7 Bizarre Delicacies
Different cultures inevitably have their own unique culinary
expressions based on what is naturally available to them. Sometimes
these traditions seem odd and sound distasteful, but on occasion, with a
little sense of adventure, they can be very rewarding to the palate and
to the experience. The list that follows offers seven regional
delicacies that are embraced by the local populations.
(Note: All prices are in U.S. dollars.)
1. Balut
Country of origin: Philippines

Description: A fertilized chicken or duck egg is buried in the ground
for a week, after which the egg - containing a half-formed fowl - is
soft-boiled. Balut is eaten out of the shell with a spoon; there is no
need to worry about choking, as the bones and feathers are only
partially formed. This delicacy is widely believed to be an aphrodisiac
and is usually sold by street vendors.
2. Casu marzu
Country of origin: Sardinia

Camel humps
Description: Casu marzu literally means "rotten cheese." This pungent
delicacy is loaded with live insect larvae whose digestive processes
give the cheese its soft, creamy texture by breaking down the fats it
contains. The cheese also seeps a liquid called "lagrima." The larvae
are white worms that measure approximately one-third of an inch and can
jump approximately six inches when disturbed.
Many people remove the worms before feasting on this delicacy, but
others prefer to leave them in. Because eating the cheese can lead to
intestinal infections - the worms can live in your intestines and cause
severe lesions in their attempts to dig through your intestinal walls -
the product is banned in Italy. However, enforcement in Sardinia is lax
and it can be readily found on the black market.
3. Camel humps
Country of origin: China
Description: Camel is becoming more and more popular throughout the
Middle East and Asia. The meat has a taste similar to beef, though its
texture is much tougher. The hump is considered a delicacy because it is
the fattiest and most tender part of the camel.

The fatty tissues within the hump are used by the camel to store
energy. Camel humps can be eaten raw and warm from a freshly slaughtered
animal, but they are generally boiled after the last remnants of body
warmth have cooled. Camel humps have also been deep-fried for more than
1,500 years.
This dish is both tender and crispy, and the hue of the meat is
purple. Because camel was historically an important mode of
transportation, eating one was rare and added to its status as a
4. Hakarl
Country of origin: Iceland
Description: This Icelandic delicacy is made from shark meat. As soon
as the shark is caught, it is buried in the ground and often topped with
manure. Allowing meat to decompose is a traditional method of
preservation for many cultures.
After the shark has decomposed in the ground for between two and six
months, it is dug up, and the meat is sliced and served cold. The dish
has a strong ammonia smell, an undeniably strong flavor, and some people
claim that it tastes like cheese.
5. Cibreo
Country of origin: Italy
Description: This traditional Tuscan dish was once reserved for the
poor, but it has since become a delicacy served at many fine
restaurants. The cibreo is the comb of the cock - the red crown on the
head of a rooster. The dish of the same name is generally a stew
composed of the rooster parts that would be considered waste products,
such as giblets and testicles.
6. Bird's nest
Country of origin: China
Description: There is no misrepresentation with the name of this
popular Chinese dish, which is actually made from a bird's nest. The
male swiftlet, a small bird found in Southeast Asia, has two glands
under its tongue that produce saliva. The birds regurgitate the
substance as fine strands, which harden and stick to the walls and
ceilings of the caves they inhabit, forming their nests.
These nests are harvested and sold to restaurants for between $500
and $1,000 for a couple of pounds. Most recipes for the soup simply call
for simmering the nest in chicken broth. The nest soup has a rubbery and
rather bland taste. Historically, the delicacy was thought to have
medicinal values and it is widely considered an aphrodisiac.
7. Cobra blood
Country of origin: Indonesia
Description: In many parts of the world, the cobra enjoys an elevated
status as a symbol of strength and virility. Thus, in these regions, it
is assumed that drinking the blood of the snake can bestow upon the
consumer these same characteristics. It is also considered a stimulant
and general health aid.
Cobra blood is usually combined with liquor and served as a shooter.
To prepare this shot, a living cobra is beheaded and the blood is
drained into a glass that contains arak. The heart is often extracted,
eaten and washed down with several shots of the blood mixture. Black and
white cobra blood is relatively inexpensive, between $5 and $8, but the
blood of a king cobra is more than $100.
open wide
Though many of these delicacies may seem rather repulsive, they are
regularly consumed by the people of their respective regions. So don't
be afraid to go out on a limb when your travels take you off the beaten
path. They are called delicacies for a reason.
by Michael Miller