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DateLine Sunday, 11 March 2007





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Human rights a cover for some

Non-Governmental Organisations, INGOs, several other international organisations and some political parties have started voicing concern on human rights more than ever before. Even during that infamous UNP regime - 1987-89 terror periods, we did not hear so many organisations shouting from the rooftops for human rights.

In a civilised society, we all respect and honour human rights. But that does not mean any person or an organisation could abuse that right. What we experience now is nothing but a sinister campaign to undermine the victories achieved by the Government over the past 15 months.

Under the cover of human rights, some of our own people who are after power and dollars, are engaged in a well-organised campaign to discredit the Government. What is most disheartening is that they even undermine the military victories in Sampur, Vakarai and Mavil Aru.

All peace-loving people here would appreciate the liberation of the East. Until last year, those areas in the East were under Prabhakaran's fascist regime. He used innocent civilians as a human shield. The people who were trapped in those areas had to undergo untold hardships. Though they were willing to come to liberated areas, the Tiger terrorists did not allow those civilians to do so as they had to shield the LTTE cadres.

Where were those INGOs. NGOs, so-called HR organisations and some of the political parties, who shed crocodile tears now, at the time? They were fast asleep when those innocent civilians were trapped in Vakarai and Sampur. They did not utter a word when poor villagers and farmers begged for water after the merciless Tigers forcibly closed the Mavil Aru anicut.

Only our brave security forces came to the rescue of those innocent civilians to quench their thirst and hunger.

But ironically, now those very same people and organisations who turned a blind eye when civilians were harassed and kept as human shields, are now talking about human rights. Isn't this a joke!

It all began when Mangala Samaraweera and Sripathi Sooriyarachchi were stripped off their Ministerial portfolios. Though they expected some of their party colleagues to support them, none of them came to rescue the duo, not even Anura Bandaranaike who too was fired along with them.

Minister Bandaranaike, a true patriot and honest citizen, understood the need to strengthen the hands of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his Government. He had genuine feelings for our country and the nation. That is why he sooner than later ironed out differences.

Minister Bandaranaike's return to the Cabinet isolated Samaraweera and Sooriyarachchi. At a time when their former party colleagues were turning away, the duo had no option but to lead a sinister campaign using a fabricated human rights story and a controversial disclosure of a pact with the Tigers. If President Rajapaksa had had a pact with the LTTE, it would have been to drive them out from the East.

As Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa rightly pointed out, it would be ideal if we could have a few more agreements of that nature to ensure the LTTE makes those so-called 'tactical withdrawals' from their Wanni hideouts. A few more agreements what Samaraweera and Sooriyarachchi are talking about would help to unite the nation. It is a pity that they have failed to understand this fact.

Inspired by irresponsible statements made by Samaraweera and Sooriarachchi, interested parties and organisations are now trying to capitalise on those false allegations to tarnish Sri Lanka's human rights record.

President Rajapaksa firmly believes in people's power and their rights. He has been in the forefront of protecting human rights and was even in prison for the 'sin' of representing those victims and their families.

During the 1987-98 era, it was President Rajapaksa, then as an opposition Parliamentarian, who came out strongly against human rights allegations of the then UNP Government. Would a man of that calibre ever tolerate any kind of HR violations?

What we now experience is not a genuine and honest campaign to protect human rights, but an organised mafia to capitalise on human rights issues and achieve their personal goals. Be it political, international or organisational, this is definitely a well-knit master plan which would pave way to achieve their personal agendas.

The actual situation is different from those concocted stories related by extremists and opportunists. Those organisations and individuals, with the support of a section of the media, are engaged in that sinister campaign.

The international community and all peace-loving people should be intelligent enough to differentiate the actual situation from what is publicised.

The head of Sri Lanka's widely-accepted election watchdog - PAFFEREL has said these campaigns are aimed at an upcoming international HR meeting in Geneva. Its President, Kingsley Rodrigo, in a press interview, said the aim of those extremist elements is to highlight incidents on disappearances and dead bodies and put the blame on the Government.

This, he says, would be used by interested parties as a weapon to attack the Government at the forthcoming Geneva Summit. He stressed the importance of political parties acting in a responsible manner rather than using human rights as a political slogan.

With the LTTE losing its ground fast and supply routes being curtailed, they have now resorted to other means to stop the Government penetrating further.

It is a crying shame that our own people act in an irresponsible manner, trying to sell Sri Lanka's sovereignty and territorial integrity, that would only help support the LTTE.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Villa Lavinia - Luxury Home for the Senior Generation

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