Britain to pass new NI power sharing legislation
The British government rushed emergency legislation through
Westminster putting back the date for devolution from last Tuesday, as
originally planned, to May 8th, based on the agreement struck between
the Democratic Unionist Party and Sinn F,in.

Democratic Unionist Party leader Ian Paisley, left, and Sinn Fein
President Gerry Adams speak to the media during a press conference
at the Stormont Assembly building in Belfast, Northern Irelandlast
week. Sitting side by side for the first time in history, the
leaders of Northern Ireland's major Protestant and Catholic parties
announced a stunning deal to forge a power-sharing administration
May 8. -AP |
As the people of Northern Ireland came to terms with the previously
unthinkable image of the Reverend Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams sealing
their devolution deal at Stormont yesterday, MPs and peers were
preparing to make the agreement a reality.
Sinn F,in and the DUP are to hold further talks with chancellor
Gordon Brown on a financial package over four years to underpin
Detailed work will begin among all four executive parties on a
programme for government. This will entail regular meetings involving
the DUP, Sinn F,in, the SDLP and the Ulster Unionists.
While there was euphoria in both parties in the wake of the deal,
speculation was mounting that the DUP MEP Jim Allister could make a
statement on his political future.
Mr Allister, who quit the DUP before in the 1980s, has been sceptical
about whether Sinn F,in was fit to be a partner in a powersharing
government. His notable absence from a DUP press conference after
Saturday's 120-member executive meeting in Belfast has prompted
speculation about whether he will remain in the party.
However it is believed that by buying an extra six weeks before a
powersharing government is formed, Mr Paisley has managed to carry over
90 per cent of the party, including a sizeable number of people who
could not contemplate going into government by yesterday's powersharing
Sinn F,in president Gerry Adams met Northern Ireland Secretary Peter
Hain yesterday to discuss the legislation being rushed through the House
of Commons and the House of Lords.
"People are very mindful not to be too cocky about the resumption of
powersharing," a Sinn F,in source said. "There is still the capacity for
things to go wrong.
"However there is no denying that the imagery of Gerry, Martin (McGuinness)
and our delegation sitting in the company of Ian Paisley and his party
has given this process a huge lift and taken it to a point where it
needed to be.
"There is a real feeling that if we get, as everyone expects, a
devolved government with Ian Paisley and Martin as the First and Deputy
First Ministers, that we are entering in to a new era of politics."
Democratic Unionist source said he expected parties to focus on their
plans for preparing for power sharing once today's emergency legislation
was passed.
"The Doc (Mr Paisley) has indicated that there is a programme of work
that the incoming executive needs to do and work to be done on the
financial package from Gordon Brown," he said. "He also flagged up that
there would be meetings with Martin McGuinness as the First and Deputy
First Ministers-in-waiting."
Former US senator George Mitchell, who helped steer the parties to
the Good Friday agreement, warned people not to expect immediate results
after yesterday's announcement.
"While this is a very important step, no-one should think trust and
love is going to be breaking out tomorrow," he told BBC radio. "That
will take a long time but this is a step forward." The controversial
water bills which were due to be posted out to Northern Ireland homes
today have now been put on hold following the agreement.
Irish Times