Cairo : Monuments and artifacts of ancient Egypt
Egypt has been always a country of tourism where Europeans used to
?visit and see its antiquities dating back to the various eras and
?civilizations. In the recreational tourism domain, there are scores of?
unique tourist destinations such as Sharm -el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Safaga
?and others. Moreover, Egypt is renowned for therapeutical and
?environmental tourism as well as other kinds such as Safari,
conferences ?and sports.?

No country on earth boasts a longer recorded history than does
Egypt, the Eternal ‘Gift of the Nile’ as described by the Historian
Herodotus . A statement as true as today as it has been through
seventy centuries of Egypt’s Extraordinary history. |
Egypt has a wide range of beaches situated on the Mediterreanean and
the Red Sea that extend to over 3,000 km.The Red sea has serene
waters,colored coral reefs,rare fish and beautiful mountain.
The Akba Gulf beaches also provide facilities for practicing sea
sports. Safaga tops the Red Sea zonewith its beautiful location on the
Suez Gulf .
Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Dahab, Ras Sidr,Mars Alam,Safaga and the
northern coast of the Mediterranean are major tourist's destinations of
the recreational tourism.
Egypt is considered one of the richest environments of therapeutic
value by virtue of its natural resources and dry warm weather, Egypt is
home to several unique sulphurous and mineral springs in addition to the
miraculously healing ability of the black sand found in the city of
Egypt is located in the north-eastern corner of Africa and
south-western Asia. It is bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea,
on the east by Palestine and Israel, on the south by Sudan, and on the
west by Libya.
Egypt is 50 feet below sea level. Some important cities, towns, and
places in Egypt are Cairo (the capital), Giza, Memphis, Thebes,
Alexandria, Suez Canal, Abu Simbel, Sinai Peninsula, and Rosetta. The
highest point is Catharine Mountain that is 8,668 feet high. The lowest
point is Qattara Depression and is 436 feet below sea level.
The Nile Delta is the only delta in Egypt and is 100 miles long and
155 miles wide. It is in the shape of a triangle. There are 5 important
oases in Egypt and they are all located in the Libyan Desert. They are
the Farafrah, Bahriah, Dakhla, Kharijah, and the Siwah oases.
The area of Egypt is 386, 662 square miles. The distances from east
to west are 770 miles and from north to south it is 675 miles. There are
no forests in but there are date palms and citrus groves. Papyrus plants
grow only near the Nile.
Cairo -the Triumphant City - is the glorious capital of Egypt, the
cradle of civilization and the beacon of religion. It is the largest
city in the Middle East and Africa and lies at the centre of all routes
that lead to and from Asia, Africa and Europe.
Cairo was founded on July 16, 969 AD by the Fatimid leader Jawhar Al-Sequilli,
by an order from the Fatimid Khalif Al-Mo'iz lideenellah. It was named
"the city of the 1000 minarets.
Cairo is Africa's most populous city and the Arab world's cultural
center. People from all over the world visit Cairo to see the monuments
and artifacts of ancient Egypt as well as the various aspects of modern
Cairo provides its visitors with great cultural destinations which
include a vast amount of art galleries, music halls, cultural centers
etc? Cairo also offers its visitors with great accommodation,
restaurants, and various leisure activities and shopping. In Cairo there
is something for everyone. Tourists can enjoy Khan El Khalili Bazaar
while shopping for antiques, rugs, copper and many other oriental gifts;
while others may enjoy shopping for the latest fashion trends in one of
Cairo magnificent malls.
The Nile River is the longest river in the world, stretching for
4,187 miles. The Nile flows from south to north and is formed by three
major tributaries: the White Nile, the Blue Nile and the Atbara.
The Blue Nile has its source in the highlands of the African country
of Ethiopia, by Lake Tana. The runoff from spring rain and melting snow
caused the annual summer flood of the Nile that the Egyptians depended
on for water to irrigate their crops, and deposit fertile top soil. Just
north of Khartoum the combined White and Blue Nile meet their final
major tributary, the Atbara which also has its source in the Ethiopian
The Nile then plunges into a canyon. Before the construction of the
Aswan High Dam; the Nile rolled through a series of six rapids, called
cataracts, between northern Sudan and southern Egypt.
Since construction of the dam, the river has gradually changed its
course. North of Cairo, the Nile splits into two branches (or
distributaries), the Rosetta Branch to the west and the Damietta to the
east. Lake Nasser is a man-made lake created by the construction of the
Aswan High Dam, opened in 1971.
The dam was built to regulate the flow of the Nile River, and thus
benefit the region's inhabitants. However, technology often also
disrupts a local ecosystem, the life and nature it affects.
The canyon that was once behind where the dam is now, was flooded
after the dam was built. Before the region was flooded for the dam, some
Ancient sites were carefully moved. Others were permanently covered and
destroyed by the water.
Lake Nasser stretches over a distance of 312 miles. Gone are the days
when Egyptians worry that the Nile will flood too high, destroying their
crops; or fall too low, not providing proper irrigation. To enjoy the
benefits of a steady river flow, thousands of peoples homes were
submerged when the dam went into operation and Lake Nasser was formed.
The Aswan High Dam has caused other changes. The water surface of the
lake has reduced the average temperature in the region. The dam has also
harnessed the water for the production of electricity and navigation has
been improved.
Furthermore, the Nile is no longer flowing strongly enough to keep
salt water from the Mediterranean Sea from forcing its way up the Nile.
In one generation, thousands of years of life along the Nile River
have been permanently altered. The River Nile and its banks The Nile is
truly the River of Life and has been revered in Egypt since ancient
times. Until the Aswan High Dam was built, only 4% of Egypt was
cultivated, but this has now been extended to 6%. Nearly all habitation
owes its existence to the narrow strip of land either side of the river
itself or to the very fertile Nile Delta in the north.
One explanation for the shape of the Ankh, the ancient Egyptian
symbol for eternal life, is that it is thought to represent the Nile and
its importance to life and consequently their religion.
The two side arms represent the two banks of the river - East for the
Living and West for the After-life. The top loop is for the productivity
and fertility of the Nile Delta; the stem is for the Nile itself. The
proximity of the Desert to the river is a constant reminder of the
fragility of the narrow strip of life which survives all the way from
Aswan to Cairo. Many of the dwellings and settlements have a very simple
existence with few modern amenities.
Boats of the River Nile
The history of Egypt is totally dominated by the River Nile. At one
time nearly all transportation was by boat along the river. Consequently
it was always thought that Gods would travel by boat - or barque as it
was called. The souls of the dead also traveled by barque in the
FELUCCAS: - The felucca has remained, over the centuries, the primary
transportation of the Nile. Its ancient form still graces the river as
it has done since the time of the Pharaohs. Motorized barges transport
bulk material and modern cruise ships transport tourists, but the
felucca remains despite modern alternatives.
The felucca rarely has any form of engine and relies entirely on the
breeze which builds during the day and usually subsides at night. Some
of the craft today are used to carry tourists who wish to enjoy an
eternally peaceful journey carried along by the gentle breeze and the
currents of the river.
Few are now made entirely of wood, but the basic layout has barely
changed. They don't have a keel as such, but a heavy centre plate which
can be raised in the shallows. The sails are seriously low tech affairs
made of native cotton and other natural fibers.
Tour Boats: - There are a phenomenal number of tourist boats on the
Nile and most of them resemble a floating block of flats - they have
little charm on the outside and absolutely no connection with Egypt on
the inside. They are floating hotels designed to keep the Western
traveler sanitized from the world outside - but Pharaoh does exact his
The Nile River is possibly the most famous river in history. It was
by its banks that one of the oldest civilizations in the world began.
Not surprisingly, the Nile teems with life. Many different types of
animals, birds, and fish all call the Nile River home.
Hundreds of years ago, even hippos and lions could be found here in
the Nile Valley. The crocodile's eyes and nostrils are on top of the
head so it can see and breathe while the rest of it is underwater.
As an added advantage, its ears and nostrils can close when it dives,
and a nictitating membrane (a transparent eyelid) closes over the eye to
keep water out. Nile Crocodiles range all over Africa, eating almost
anything (including each other), but rarely moving away from their
chosen body of water.
Hatchlings eat small fish and insects; adults will go after turtles,
baboons, and even the gigantic wildebeest. They live in large
"communities" of several dozen crocodiles, but even there they tend to
leave each other alone except during a "feeding frenzy" when they will
all unite to take down a much larger animal.
The Nile Valley is home to so many creatures we wouldn't be able to
see them all, but here is a good collection for you to see.
Egypt is richin its world class treatment resorts due to its genuine
natural resources such as its, dry and warm climate, and lots of mineral
and sulfuric streams, black curative sands.
Egypt has gained a valuable position on the tourist map; not only due
to the fact that it contains a vast amount of historical monuments, but
also because of the variety of options it presents to tourists.
Due to Egypt's magnificent resources it has become one of the world's
most famous destination that offer natural medical treatment under the
supervision of specialized doctors and their dedicated staff.
Egypt enjoys a distinguished geographical location at the juncture of
the ancient world continents of Africa, Asia and Europe. It has always
been a place of inter-civilization reactivation between the East and the
West as well as the North and the South. Egypt was also the crossing
road of the heavenly religions of the world.
The Helwan suburb is located about thirty kilometers away from Cairo,
and to the east of the River Nile, Helwan is about forty meters above
the sea level .
Helwan climate is dry and moderate, humidity percentage is about
58%there are several sulphurous and mineral Springs, and a health center
was founded there for the treatment of rheumatism and rheumatic pains .
Treatment in Helwan dated back to 1899,then the baths were renewed in
1955, Helwan Center for the treatment of rheumatism and physical
treatment was built on the Islamic style of architecture, the center
includes 38 rooms for the treatment, rest rooms and places for patients
to reside .
The whole place is surrounded by fantastic gardens.
Baharia Oasis
Baharia oasis contains about four hundred warm and cold springs.
Scientific research conducted at the Egyptian and foreign universities
as well proved that the water from the Baharia Oasis is useful in the
treatment of rheumatism, reheumatoid and various skin diseases .
Baharia Oasis is famous among European tourists; they come especially
to have their treatment in the springs of wll Halfa and its warm
water.(30 degrees Celsius,which sometimes rises to 40degrees Celsius)
Beshmo is one of the famous archeological sites at the Baharia oasis
due to the fact that it contains two water sources, one of which is hot
and the other is cold, both run down the same deep stony stream .
Siwa is considered as being the most wonderful Oasis in the western
desert. It is considered as the Oasis of beauty, poetry and the paradise
of artists. Sand dunes and palm and olive trees are scattered in the
Oasis in addition to a number of clear wells and springs.
Siwa Oasis is located about 300 kilometers to the west of Mersa
Matrouh. It is the best place for environmental treatment in Egypt. Siwa
is famous for its moderate climate, pure air and blue clear sky.
El Dakrror Mountain It is located to the south west of Siwa Oasis.
The people of Siwa believe that the mountain is sacred.
There is a celebration that is held on a yearly basis in October
after the Harvest Season ( The Valley Season ).
The festival lasts for three days , all the inhabitants of the valley
must participate in the festival.
The mountain area is most famous for its treatment facilities that
aid in curing rheumatism, joint pain and weakness.
It is most famous for a treatment that involves the burial of the
diseased body parts in hot sand for a certain period of time during the
day. This particular treatment procedure gained a lot of popularity
among Arabs and recently foreigners .
Hot Springs
Siwa Oasis has got many springs which are being used for therapeutic
treatment purposes . The water of the hot springs is capable of curing a
number of diseases such as psoriasis , rheumatism and some digestive
system diseases .
The most famous springs is the Kegar well , the temperature of its
water is 67 degree Celisus .
Scientific research proved that the water contains amounts of
minerals similar to that found in the water of the springs of Carlo
Vefari ( Czech ) the famous Health Center where tourists visit to have
their treatment .
Dahab means gold in Arabic. It is said that this name was given by
the Bedouins, who likened the shimmering sands to gold dust.
Dahab, located approximately 100km northwest of Sharm El-Sheikh, is
still considered to be one of South Sinai's most treasured diving
destinations swarmed by tourists.
It is famous for its golden beaches and deceptively deep diving
sites, such as the Blue Hole, the Canyon and the Lighthouse.
Courtesy Internet