Mabroc - Kelani Valley teas achieve global first for Lanka
Kelani Valley Plantations Limited (KVPL), the Dipped Products owned
plantation company and its marketing associate Mabroc Teas have achieved
a world first with the launch internationally of a unique new range of
single origin and blended teas positioned as 'The Ethical Tea Brand of
the World'.
Comprising nine pure Ceylon teas - six single-garden teas and three
'Valley range' teas in leaf form and as tea bags, these teas launched
initially in Japan, are the first products in the world to combine
branding and advocacy to promote the principles of the United Nations
Global Compact (UNGC) via product packaging.
The claim of these teas to be the ethical teas of the world is backed
by three distinct facets, the company said.
The first of these facets is KVPL's 'A Home for Every Plantation
Worker program' under which the two companies have pledged that for
every pack of Mabroc Kelani Valley teas sold globally, a share of the
proceeds will be allocated towards improving the living conditions of
11,000 worker families on 27 plantations managed by KVPL.
The company initiated this program in June 2006 to make a difference
to the lives of its estate community and to focus on areas such as
living environment, health and safety, community capacity building and
empowerment of youth.
The second facet is KVPL and Mabroc's initiative to promote adherence
to UNGC principles through the packaging of these teas. Each pack
contains a leaflet listing the 10 UNGC principles covering the human
rights, labour environment and anti-corruption principles espoused by
the UN Global Compact.
The leaflet has been translated into Arabic, English, German,
Japanese and Russian. |