Sri Lanka's socio-economic plight by 2025
Policy makers have neglected the rise in
population figures:
by Indeewara Thilakarathne
As Sri Lanka is experiencing a major demographic
shift in the age pyramid a proportion of the population over 60
years has dramatically increased from 5.3 in 1953 to 10.8 per cent
in 2003, making Sri Lanka the fastest ageing population among the
developing nations.
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Environmental issues in India and Sri Lanka
The latest global issues are becoming major
issues in Sri Lanka too but people are still unaware of it?.
According to Kanchana one of the main problems in rural areas is
sand mining in the flatlands and landslips in the hills.
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Elephants and animals in the park
Tourist attractions in the Walawe Basin:
by Gamini G. Punchihewa
This glorious spectacle was enacted at the
enchanting riverine spot of Thimbirimankade where the flowing Walawe
ganga debouches its ruddy waters into the Uda Walawe reservoir. It
was here at this enlivened spot, where they greeted us with a salute
of trumpets echoing far and wide shattering the stiuness of the
sylvan solitude.
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