Curtailed food imports will boost export earnings
By Lalin Fernandopulle
The Hambantota port can be built in two years if we stop importing
food items and produce them locally. The annual import expenditure of
the country is over US$ 1,950 million which is twice as much of the
annual export earnings, said Chairman Master Divers and Managing
Director Pelwatte Sugar Corporation, Ariyaseela Wickremanayaka.
He said the country's annual export earnings which are around US$
1,100 million can be increased if the import of food items are curtailed
and they could be manufactured locally.
With the surging world market prices and the depreciation of the
rupee, imported food items is an added burden on the economy. By
importing we do not produce and as a result many are deprived of
Wickremanayaka said milk production will increase if the number of
cows slaughtered is reduced and there would be no need to import milk
food items.
The country has an abundance of natural resources then why do we
import food items which could be produced here. Most of the food items
we import could be produced locally because we have the resources and
the human capital for it, he said.
Today acres of paddy land are abandoned since farmers cannot obtain a
satisfactory price for their produce. The import of costly wheat flour
is a major hindrance to farmers to sell their products.
Wickremanayaka who is also the President of the Mawbima Lanka
Foundation said locally manufactured products should be promoted and
consumers should be encouraged to buy Sri Lankan products.
The Mawbima Lanka Foundation, a non profit organisation was set up to
promote Sri Lankan products and services in the local market through the
'Ganna Ape De' logo designed to increase the value of locally produced
goods and create a demand for them in the market.
"We have not showcased our products and a concept such as the Ganna
Ape De will be a major promotional drive to boost manufacture of local
products offering a better price and a competitive market for producers,
he said.
The Foundation comprises the Ministry of Industrial Development,
Strategic Enterprise Management Agency (SEMA), the Director General of
the Inventions Commission and specialised organisations.
To qualify for the Ganna Ape De logo, companies need to meet the
accreditation standards. The exports of food products to the European
Union should have an accreditation certificate from a recognised
The award of logos which will be held every six months will commence
next month.