Vidyartha ruggerite causes protest in match against St. Sylvester's
By S. M. Jiffrey Abdeen, Kandy Sports Corr
RUGBY: Another school playing a ruggerite who was not eligible to
remain has surfaced on a protest by St. Sylvester's College, Kandy,
against Vidyartha College in Singer Shield Segment 'B' schools rugby
tournament which the Sylvestrians lost 7-34 at the Nittawela Rugby
Stadium in Kandy.
Master-In-Charge of rugby at St. Sylvester's College Mr. A. K. B.
Dodanwala said that they had lodged a complaint with the Sri Lanka
Schools Rugby Football Association alleging that Vidyartha College
fielded a ruggerite who had failed the G.C.E. Ordinary Level Examination
This ruggerite was their match-winner.
The team of Vidyartha does not indicate this player's name, date of
birth and his signature in the relevant ages provided for 22 players for
the match. But his name is indicated separately at the bottom with no
details given.
He becomes the 23rd player and the rule is there should be only 22
players - 15 on the field and 7 on the bench.
These two schools are traditional rivals and they play their 'Big
Match' at cricket too.