The blessed month has arrived....!
by Panchamee Hewavissenti
First and foremost we at Sunday Observer like to wish our dear
readers all the best for Ramadhan. May Allah accept your fast and Dua
and keep it as His special reward for you as narrated in the following
Hadith "All the good deeds of the son of Adam will be multiplied, a good
deed will be increased tenfold.
Allah Mighty and Magnificent said 'except for the fast, for that is
for Me and I will reward it for he left his desires and food for My
sake'" (Muslim)
The blessed month of Ramadhan
Allah's last messenger(sal) said in a Hadith narrated by Bukhari that
"When Ramadhan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of
Hell are locked and devils are chained" Islamic months are reckoned on
sighting the moon. Ramadhan is the ninth month in Islamic lunar calender.
Ramadhan comes once each year giving every fasting Muslim a spiritual
and physical improvement which lasts until the following year.
Allah the exalted informs His slaves about the month of Ramadhan in
His Holy book, Quran "Ramadhan is the month in which the Quran was
revealed with clear guidance and differentiation (between good and bad).
Whoever of you is a witness of this month, should fast.
But if anyone is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (should
be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does
not want to put you in any difficulties. 2:185, And eat and drink, until
the white thread of dawn appears to you distinct from its black thread;
then complete your fast till the night appears. 2:187
Fasting in the month of Ramadhaan
When we talk about Ramadhan the first thing which comes to our mind
is fasting. It has its greatest impact in that itself. Because we do
that for our Creator, Almighty Allah.
He says in His book "O, you who have faith! Fasting is prescribed for
those before you - so that hopefully you will have Taqwa". Al Baqarah
2:183 Meaning that hopefully you can safeguard yourself from the Hell
fire through fasting; fasting is a means to the forgiveness of sins, and
sins lead one to the fire.
Our beloved prophet(sal) said and it's narrated in sahih "Islam is
built upon five: that you worship Allah and reject the worship of
anything else, to establish the prayer, the giving of Zakat, performing
pilgrimage to the house and fasting in the month of Ramadhaan.
What is fasting (sawm)
When you translate the Arabic words in to English, Sawm means to
refrain and abstain consuming food or water from dawn till sunset and
also from doing things that are forbidden in Islam.
It can be further explained by following Hadith said by Our messenger
(sal) and narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
"Fasting is protecting shield, so when it is the day when one of you
are fasting, let him not behave or speak indecently; if someone tries to
abuse him or fight him, let him say 'I am fasting!' By the one in whose
hand is the soul of Muhammad(sal), the smell emanating from the mouth of
the one fasting is better with Allah than the smell of musk.
The one fasting has two kind of joy, when he breaks his fast he is
happy and when he meets his Lord he will rejoice at his fasting."
Blessings and benefits of fasting
After Imaan, Salaah and Zakaah the most important pillar of Islam is
Sawm. Fasting in the month of Ramadhaan is amongst the fundamentals of
Islam. There are numerous spiritual benefits of fasting.
Fasting is extremely efficient for the gain of Taqwa(piety), without
which a Muslim can't get closer to Allah spiritually. The prime benefit
in fasting is that suppression of the erratic desires and demands of
Nafs, which is always encouraged by Shaithaan in order to spiritually
and morally ruin the believer.
If a person lets his Nafs wander freely without any restrictions,
then the Nafs will make the person a slave of lusts, passion and
emotions and start dominating him.
Therefore it's very important to restrain Nafs. Fasting numerously
helps a believer to achieve the goal in restraining Nafs. By fasting a
Muslim learns to suppress his own desires.
Thus he can inculcate Taqwa in him. Further fasting purifies the soul
and create gratification in worshipping Allah. The bond with Allah is
strengthened. Once the messenger of Allah(sal) supplicated, "O,Lord of
the universe!
When does the servant become closer to you" The Divine reply came,
"When the servant is hungry and when he is in Sajadah (prostration)"
Fasting lifts man above the level of animals who eat, drink and copulate
at their own will, whenever the urge comes, and takes him to the
parallel of the angels.
By reducing a persons worldly relations and emotional desires he
moves himself towards the condition of Malaikath (angels) because
Malaikaath are devoid of any kind of desires. A Muslim becomes more
aware and conscious of his less fortunate brothers and their
They become steadfast in giving charity during the month of Ramadhaan.
Zakaath-ul-fitr is a charity which every Muslim must pay at the end of
Ramadhaan and only then his fast is accepted by Allah. By making the
Zakatul fitr compulsory Allah, The all knowing teaches his servants
lesson of humanity and feeling for the needy.
Sahl Ibn Saad (ral) narrated from our prophet (sal) that he said"
Verily in Jannah (heaven), there is a door called 'Ar Rayam', through
which will enter the fasting people on the Day of Judgement. No one will
enter through this door besides them.
Once they will enter, the door will be locked so no one can enter
through it". (Bukhari-Muslim) Angels keep on asking Allahs's forgiveness
for those fasting until they break their fast. Allah orders Angels to
decorate Paradise each day and addresses Paradise thus "My righteous
servants are about to be spread suffering and harm, then they will be
sent to you".
Abu Hurairah (ral) narrates from our beloved messenger that he said
"One who keeps the fast o Ramadhan with Imaan (faith) and longing for
reward, all his previous sins are forgiven".
How great the virtues of fasting. One should not take fasting as a
trifle at all of course we should do it for the sake of our Creator not
for anyone else or expecting any other social recognition.
The fasting person should feel it from his inner heart that he is
doing it only for the sake of his Creator in order to get the full
reward, of course Allah the all knowing knows who is sincere to his
orders and what is in the person's heart for nothing could be concealed
from the exalted.
There are many things that a Muslim should be refrained of in this
blessed month. Eating and drinking is absolutely prohibited during the
time of fasting. Telling lies, backbiting which is equal to eating one's
own brother's flesh.
Caroling, earning through unlawful means are highly discouraged.
Sexual intercourse, kissing or any kind of sexual activities which cause
ejaculation during the time of fasting is highly discouraged.
Smoking, inhaling drugs, injection of any medicine or vomiting
intentionally are Haram (prohibited) In short, a person should try to
refrain from all kinds of sins, protecting his ears, eyes, tongue and
all other organs from indulging in unlawful activities.
When a Muslim spends his Ramadhaan in this manner then he will notice
great changes in his life. Through the spiritual upliftment one will be
able to conduct his life according what Allah wants His slave to live.
To be continued to next week...
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