Can the public sector live up to the ideals?
National Productivity Award for Ministry of Media and
Information-Success story behind productivity:
by Indeewara Thilakarathne
The conventional perception of a Ministry is that of an untidy office
with heaps of dusty files and a snobbish staff who consider public as a
nuisance rather than purpose of their work.
The work-ethics in a Ministry is as lethargic as the staff
themselves. The oppressive atmosphere and internal-mayhem will always
ensure a poor service, earning public wrath not only for the staffers
but also for the Minister concerned. Under such circumstances, it is no
wonder that a section of the population entertain the idea whether it is
possible to privatize the government itself.
However, in the light of the Ministry of Media and Information
securing the National Productivity Award in the Inter-Ministry category,
the traditional perception of public sector institutions in general and
Ministrries in particular has to be changed.
One of the significant aspects of the entire process of
transformation is that the dramatic improvement and development of
physical as well as human environment which has a positive effect on the
staff. It is this transformation which is instrumental in bringing about
a change in attitude on the part of staff towards the public and about
their superiors.
Perhaps, the Ministry offers a role model for public institutions.
The implementation of the 5 S Concept has ensured a clean and
stress-free environment and speedy delivery of service. It has also
effectively shattered the myth that the public sector cannot live up to
the ideals and the panacea for universal ills is privatisation.
According to an employee, day-to-day office work has become much
easier since the implementation of 5 S Concept which has tremendously
improved efficiency in almost all aspects of the work including public
relations and handling of files.
Especially, the improvement of physical environment has changed the
entire perception of an office from being an oppressive and strenuous
atmosphere to that of a stress-free and friendly atmosphere.
The well-gardened premises with vegetable beds nurtured by the
employees, has added a pleasing dimension to the otherwise inhuman
concrete structure. The exterior gardening has rendered a much needed
greening effect to the environment.
"I think 5 S is a very convenient way. If I want to find anything, it
is now very easy. As the files are listed, it is very easy to retrieve a
particular file. Since there is a colour code, even an outsider can
operate the air-conditioner and switch the lights on. An attitude change
has been made.
I would like to highlight the withdrawal of license for ABC. The day
on which the license was withdrawn, was a Poya day and Secretary called
me the previous night and asked me to work on Poya day in the morning. I
called the particular subject clerk and peon. They also came. The ABC
Company's argument was that we (Ministry) had worked on a holiday and
delivered the letter by midnight.
"That was possible because of the change of attitude. There is a
qualitative change and time management has also been improvement.
Government sector can also be productive if it gets encouragement
from the decision makers." 'said Senior Assistant Secretary Dharshana
Senanayake on the positive effect brought about by 5 S Concept.
"Dedication on the part of the staff and their happiness has also
been taken into consideration when selecting the Ministry for the Award.
Minimising wastage and speedy delivery of service has been tremendously
improved since the implementation of the 5 S Concept.
In order to instill team spirit among the staff, diverse activities
such as cultural festivals (New Year, Thaipongal) and excursions have
been organised. Quality Circles have been set up under the 5 S, in order
to diagnose problems in each section.
The quality circle suggests solutions. If they cannot overcome
problems, the problems will be referred to the Parent body of the
quality circle. A meeting is held once a month to evaluate the progress
in addition to a staff meeting which is presided over by the Minister of
Media and Information," "said Secretary A. Dissanayake, speaking on the
progressed achieved following the implementation.
The success story of Ministry of Media and Information as a
productive public entity shatters the universal myth that Ministries are
white elephants maintained at public expense.
This further confirmed the fact that most of the ministries and
government entities are made white elephants by sheer mismanagement and
lethargic work ethics.
Apart from being a role model, the Ministry of Media and Information
will continue to inspire the public sector and perhaps a harbinger for a
vibrant public sector in the long march to sustainable development and
It is the fervent hope that public sector entities including
ministries would emulate the example set by the Ministry of Media and
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