Can the public sector live up to the ideals?
National Productivity Award for Ministry of Media
and Information-Success story behind productivity:
However, in the light of the Ministry of Media
and Information securing the National Productivity Award in the
Inter-Ministry category, the traditional perception of public sector
institutions in general and Ministrries in particular has to be
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40th commemoration of D. A. Rajapaksa on November
Rajapaksa tradition and the Mahinda Chintana
In Sri Lanka, there were leaders who, by
articulating local issues of significance and making use of the
traditional institutions, managed to enter the national political
stage; D. A. Rajapaksa, though a local provincial politician with a
comparable popular acceptance, was able to emerge as a leader in the
province because of the fact that he, as many a politician in Sri
Lanka, was able to identify with the major issues of the day, which
primarily impinged on the social and economic problems of a people
who suffered due to both social oppression and economic
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'Little Nipuna is doing fine'
Dr Gamini Ranasinghe performed the first successful (ASO) in Sri
Little Nipuna of Gampaha, the first baby to
survive the first successful neonatal Arterial Switch
Operation(ASO),(the first ASO in the government medical history of
Sri Lanka) performed at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital (LRH) Borella on
October 1 was brought for his first check up on Tuesday to the LRH.
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