Watch the mercury rising!:
thermometer is an instrument that is used to measure temperature. The
most commonly used thermometer is the mercury-in-glass type, which
consists of a uniform-diameter glass tube that opens into a
mercury-filled bulb at one end.
This is sealed to preserve a partial vacuum in the tube. If the
temperature increases, the mercury expands
and rises in the capillary (very thin tube or vessel). The temperature
may then be read on an adjacent (nearby) scale.
Mercury is widely used for measuring ordinary temperatures; alcohol,
ether and other liquids are also used for this purpose. The thermometer
was invented by Galileo Galili.
The modern alcohol and mercury thermometers were invented by the
German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit, who also proposed the first widely
adopted temperature scale, named after him, in which 32 degrees
Fahrenheit is the freezing point of water, and 212 degrees Fahrenheit is
its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure.
Various temperature scales have been proposed since his time; in the
Centigrade or Celsius scale, devised by the Swedish astronomer Anders
Celsius and used in most parts of the world. The freezing point is 0
degrees Celsius (Centigrade) and the boiling point is 100 degrees
Celsius (Centigrade).
Types of thermometers
A wide variety of devices is employed as thermometers. The primary
requirement is that one easily measured property, such as the length of
the mercury column, should change noticeably and predictably with
changes in temperature.
The variation of that property should also remain linear (in line)
with variations in temperature. In other words, a unit change in
temperature should lead to a unit change in the property to be measured
at all
points of the scale.
The optical pyrometer is used to measure temperatures of solid
objects at temperatures above 700 degrees C (about 1300 degrees F),
where most other thermometers would melt.
At such high temperatures, solid objects radiate sufficient energy in
the visual range to permit optical measurement by exploiting the
so-called glow colour phenomenon (happening).
The colour at which hot objects glow changes from dull red through
yellow to nearly white at about 1300 degrees C (about 2400 degrees F).
The pyrometer contains a light bulb-type of filament controlled by a
rheostat (dimmer switch) that is calibrated (measured) so that the
colours at which the filament glows correspond to specific temperatures.
The temperature of a glowing object can be measured by viewing the
object through the pyrometer and adjusting the rheostat until the
filament blends into the image of the object. At this point, the
temperatures of the filament and the object are equal and can be read
from the calibrated rheostat.
Special-purpose thermometers
Thermometers may also be designed to register the maximum or minimum
temperature attained.
A mercury-in-glass clinical thermometer, for example, is a
maximum-reading instrument in which a trap in the capillary tube between
the bulb and the bottom of the capillary permits the mercury to expand
with increasing temperature, but prevents it from flowing back unless it
is forced back by vigorous shaking.
Maximum temperatures reached during the operation of tools and
machines may be estimated by special paint patches that change colour
when certain temperatures are reached.
Accuracy of measurement
The accurate measurement of temperature depends on the establishment
of thermal equilibrium (state of balance) between the thermometric
device and its surroundings; that is, when at equilibrium, no heat is
exchanged between the thermometer and the material it touches or
material in its surrounding area.
A clinical thermometer, therefore, must be inserted long enough (more
than one minute) to reach near equilibrium with the human body to yield
an accurate reading. It should also be inserted deep enough, and have
sufficient contact with the body, to indicate temperature accurately.
Any thermometer indicates only its own temperature, which may not
agree with the actual temperature of the object to be measured. In
measuring the air temperature outside a building, for example, if one
thermometer is placed in the shade and one in the Sun, only a few
centimetres away, the readings on the two instruments may be quite
different, although the air temperature is the same.
The thermometer in the shade may lose heat by radiation to cold
building walls. Its reading, therefore, will be slightly below the true
air temperature. On the other hand, the thermometer placed in the Sun
will absorb the Sun's radiant heat.
As a result, the indicated temperature may be significantly above the
true air temperature. To avoid such errors, accurate temperature
determinations require the shielding of the thermometer from hot and
cold sources or from which heat might be transferred by radiation,
conduction or convection (explained in earlier artiles on this page).
Make your own thermometer
What you need
* A plastic bottle weighing about 16 ounces
* Warm water
* Food colouring
* A clear plastic straw
* Clay
* A bowl of ice
* A marker pen
1. Fill the bottle to the very top with warm water and colour it with
a few drops of food colouring.
2. Insert the straw into the bottle, upto about 1/3 of its length.
Use clay to seal the bottle so that the straw sticks straight up. When
you do this, you will see some water go up the straw.
3. Mark the water level in the straw so that you know where it was
when you started.
4. Stick the bottle in the bowl of ice and watch what happens to the
level of water in the straw.
Compiled by Janani Amarasekara |