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DateLine Sunday, 04 November 2007





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Cancer-fighting super foods?

Berries are often described as "super foods," but then, so are many other foods. Are berries really such a nutritional powerhouse, or are they just one more fruit option? And is one kind of berry really better than the rest?

Research does show that berries are among the fruits highest in antioxidant content and that they are excellent sources of several phytochemicals that seem to help block cancer development.

However, other fruits and vegetables provide different nutrients and phytochemicals with unique health benefits. The best advice, then, is to eat berries often for their great taste and health boost, but stay focused on the main goal of eating a wide variety of produce every day.

Strawberries are known as excellent sources of vitamin C, providing as much or more than a whole day's recommended amount in just one cup. But all berries are good sources of vitamin C, with one cup of raspberries or blackberries giving you close to half of amounts currently recommended for a whole day for adults.

One of the ways vitamin C protects our health is its function as an antioxidant. Antioxidants attract and neutralize highly reactive molecules called free radicals that could otherwise damage body cells in ways that initiate cancer development, heart disease and age-related eye damage.

Yet laboratory studies show that much of the antioxidant power of fruits and vegetables comes not from the classic antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C, but from natural protective compounds called phytochemicals.

Seeing red

Anthocyanins are a group of phytochemicals that give many berries their red color. In laboratory studies, anthocyanins inhibit growth of lung, colon and leukemia cancer cells without affecting growth of healthy cells. Decreased cancer development is also seen in animals given anthocyanins.

Ellagic acid is another important phytochemical in virtually all berries. More than a simple antioxidant, ellagic acid also blocks metabolic pathways that can lead to cancer. In animals, it has inhibited development of colon, esophageal, liver, lung and skin cancers stemming from a variety of carcinogens.

Pterostilbene is yet another powerful antioxidant phytochemical that seems to affect metabolic processes to decrease development of both cancer and heart disease. Blueberries are an excellent source of this relative of the health-promoting resveratrol that is found in grapes and red wine.

Phytochemicals seem to be a vital part of the benefits we get from berries. One study showed that strawberries' power to inhibit cancer cell growth was unrelated to their antioxidant content, suggesting that the direct influences of the phytochemicals on cancer development are very important.

There is a list of summer drinks that include strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants and blackberries. These very delicious wood fruit have properties that protect the immunological system.

Immunological protection: Some berries contain most of the essential anti oxidant vitamins such as A, C and E, while there are others that have them all. This characteristic makes them very special and important for the immunological health since these vitamins neutralize the free radicals, which are responsible on the cellular level of a lot of the body's problems.

Berries can protect your body from infections and against more serious and degenerative diseases such as those caused by premature aging.

Youth and vigor: The high content of anti oxidants of berries guarantees a deep purifying effect and helps to keep people young. It is also believed that they are beneficial for the skin, since they avoid wrinkles, and to calm arthritic inflammations.

Raspberries have the property of acting somewhat as laxatives and they are also good for indigestion. On the other hand, they are beneficial for the menstrual problems and, as the rest of berries; they possess high levels of fito estrogens meaning they collaborate with irregular periods, with PMS and with menopausal problems.

Raspberry tealeaves are an old natural remedy for pregnancy, and childbirth. It is also known that it strengthens the uterus. It is used to treat a numberless of menstrual problems, including painful colic.

Currants and blueberries are excellent for purifying the blood, as well as blackberries that are also give you a lot of energy. Blackberries and cherries are very effective for getting rid of congestion in the breathing tract and to mitigate throat pain. Cherries and currants are very good for infections of the kidney, of the bladder and urinary tract.

Many of these fruits contain high levels of minerals, especially calcium, magnesium and potassium. Calcium that is indispensable to strengthen the bones and teeth is also necessary for the operation of the nervous system, of the muscular system and to have a healthy heart and nervous system. These minerals, besides the iron particles and zinc that appear in many berries, are vital for cellular growth and to enjoy good health.

Berries will conserve better raw. Ripe fruit should be sweet enough so that you don't actually have to add any sugar to them but if you like you can add a little bit of honey and fruit juice. They can be served with yogurt or ice cream. Besides this, you can also make spectacular puddings with them as well as delicious jams.

The advantages of berries

The fiber in them improves digestive health The high content of anti oxidants in them protects the body against infections and diseases

Promotes restoration of the cells

Currants and blackberries help to clean the blood and help improve circulation Blueberries are beneficial for kidney infections, bladder infections and the urinary track.

Cranberries and Health

Do you drink cranberry juice regularly? Well if not, there may be several good reasons to start.

Research has long supported claims that cranberries significantly reduce the risk of developing painful urinary tract infections. Newer studies also suggest that cranberry consumption may help prevent certain oral health problems, including diseases of the gums and teeth.

Antioxidants play a large role in reducing the effects of aging and prevention of disease. Did you know that cranberries rank at the top of foods (fruits) in the content of phenols? Studies have shown that many phenols and poly-phenols are stronger anti-oxidants than vitamin anti-oxidants.

The high antioxidant content of cranberries may also improve memory, circulation, & coordination in older adults. Recent evidence from a lab study suggests that cranberries may also help to reduce damage from strokes.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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