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DateLine Sunday, 04 November 2007





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

If you don't have this you're heading for troubles!

To have patience is very important in the modern world as it is very hard to find in a person now. It's as rare and precious as a diamond. If you have patience, no doubt you're possessing a priceless treasure.

Why does "Patience" has such a great value? Is it due to the difficulty of practising patience. Yes it may be the reason. Because precious things are hard to practice, and if practised, the value is immense and immeasurable.

A Dutch proverb goes "A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains". Lord Halifax emphasises the importance of patience "A man who is a master of patience is the master of everything else". This view is supported by Benjamin Franklin. He says "He, that can have patience can have what he wills".

Think for yourself the occasions, you have acted in a particular way, without having a bit of patience, in simple words, (don't get angry with me) the moments you've acted as a mad person.

You know when a person gets angry, he doesn't behave like a normal human being, his mentality changes and behaves as an insane. " A man without patience" said Andres Segovia " Is a lamp without oil".

Haven't you acted as a mad person without patience at school with your teachers, at your place of work with your colleagues and the boss, at home with your parents and siblings. Be watchful, austere words once put out are not retractable.

If you behave without having patience at your place of work, it opens the way to numerous disputes and riddles. Perhaps you will be fired from your job, if you exhibit such impatient demeanour.

It's as easy to get angry at once as extinguishing a candle and, and as hard to control that anger as producing fire by rubbing two sticks. That's why you should have patience.

If you have patience then there's no reason for you to be afraid of. Because it acts as a guard who saves you wherever you are. Prophet Mohommed said "The true patience is that which is displayed during the initial shock".

The power of a man who has patience has been explained by one of the scholars this way. "Beware the fury of a patient man".

When you have to face disagreeable situations, meet them with patience... yes, with lots of patience. Because that's the most suitable thing.. what else is there for you to do other than bearing with that uncomfortable situation with patience? Is there any alternative solution..? Can you think of any provision that is better than patience...If you have suggestions let me know.. because I believe that there's no alternative provision other than patience at such situations.

A Chinese proverb goes "If you're patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow". Ralph Waldo Emerson said "For every minute you're angry, you lose sixty second of happiness". To gain happiness and success you always have to be patient. These words are ascribed to Anusherwan: "Calamity in this life is of two kinds.

The first kind allows for a way out: worrying is its remedy. The second kind permits for no solution or way out: Patience is its cure".

"The stronger the anger the stronger the person burns" one of the scholars has explained the negative outcomes of anger that way. And here I would like to add something so that the above phrase will be completed. "The stronger the person's patience the stronger he gets healed".

Patience with God

Once I went to Church and talked to a woman who was despondently looking at Jesus's statue, I asked her "What did you ask from God". She breathed a long sigh and parted her lips to murmur out something. "Lord Jesus Christ, His exhortation to pray at all times without losing heart seems so unreal to me.

All my efforts to find comfort, consolation and security in prayer have always been a failure. Distractions trouble me all the time. My prayer is never answered". She looked down with a note of disappointment. I held her hand and said "Don't lose hopes.

God always answers the prayer, he may have something better in store for you, so be patient, one day you'll receive what you prayed for. When you pray, you should always have faith, hope and patience. Wait patiently for a happy outcome".

She was praying, when I went to one of my Muslim friend's house. I asked her if she made any supplications. She said No. When I asked her why, she said that she has been making supplications and those were not answered as yet.

She seemed had no patience in her. I quoted one of the Quranic verses which says "Seek help in patience". So patience is very important for the entire human beings, not for one religion, one nation or one country. If you have patience in you, you will know how to control yourself.

When you control yourself there will be lesser troubles for you. If you can bear with an unsatisfactory situation with patience you will probably be able to shun troubles and unsatisfactory situations, and there won't be regrets in your life. And your soul will be filled with bliss and will become like a magnet which attracts others around toward you..... Have patient for that also.....!

"How poor are they that have not patience..! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?" Shakespeare - Othello....


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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