Science Fiction:
Summary of last week's story
Erkin has rediscovered the ancient power of speech, which all the
other inhabitants of the New World has forgotten. But in a world where
the main form of communication has been telepathy for many millennia,
he's looked upon as a mutant.
He is forced to escape from Octor - his tribe - to Colunar, when to
his surprise he discovers that all the people of Colunar has a power
completely different from any he could have ever imagined -
by Sajitha Prematunge
"All the people here are invisible?" gasped Erkin. "Yes, there are
more than 1,000 people in this city and there are more than two hundred
cities like this in the whole of Colunar. But there is one problem
evolution hasn't taken care of.
Once we are invisible there is no way of detection, we can't even see
ourselves. So we designed the 'Heat sensors', not only can it detect
invisible beings but also identify them accurately according to their
heat patterns.
The rest of the world is oblivious to this great accomplishment we've
made, because we Colunars live such secluded lives.

Not even your father knows." Changar continued proudly. "We don't
think the outsiders are worthy enough." Erkin thought it wasn't just the
outsiders who are oblivious to changes but also the Colunars "But I
think you, Erkin will be worthy to be a Columnar".
Changar gave sometime for Erkin to digest the information. "The
problem is Erkin.... the Colunars will never accept you unless you are
able to master the power of invisibility.
But that fortunately is not too difficult a task. You just have to
concentrate. In fact I will be your personal trainer, the best in all
Easier said than done. Erkin wasn't properly equipped for being
invisible, by evolution. He concentrated hard as his mind could tolerate
with no luck. Changar suggested serious meditation, even that didn't
work. Almost a year in to his stay Erkin still hadn't worked it out.
Changar said "People are starting to talk Erkin." Changar didn't have
to mention that. Although he could now see and even identify the people
of Colunar with the help of the heat sensor implant embedded in his eye,
Erkin more than sensed their suspicion. They would never accept him if
he was unable to master the power of invisibility.
Things took a turn for the worst when Beldon, the ever curious asked
"Why are you not invisible Erkin?" Unfortunately there was no artificial
method of being invisible. Changar tried to change the subject but
Beldon was persistent.
"Are you not able to turn your self invisible Erkin?" said Beldon not
wishing to conceal his suspicions. The market of the Village was over
crowded, only seven days from the equinox and Erkin saw a few other heat
signature shadows of invisible Colunars walk their way.
Erkin started to feel uneasy and remembered that it was the same
feeling he had when he got in to trouble by 'talking' for the first
time. "You are an anomaly - a mistake of nature." the crowd started to
It was almost the same scenario in Colunar as it was in Octor. Only
this time he wasn't ordered to restrict himself to a compound, he was
banished from Colunar. Luckily Changar was very looked up to in Colunar
and did not attempt to hang Erkin, in fear their secret would get out.
According to Changar he could be trusted. Changar dropped Erkin at
the Syringe where he first found him. He apologized from Erkin for not
being able to help him and asked Erkin to go to Lorust where there was a
man who owed Changar a favour and was sure to help Erkin, on his
Lorust proved very difficult to find because the name of the tribe
has changed - to Levity. As the name suggested all the inhabitants of
Levity could levitate. Although they were somewhat receptive and not as
violent as Colunars or even Octors upon his discovery, Erkin did not
wish to be somewhere he was treated as an outcast.
He believed, through his over one year existence outside of Octor he
would be able to live on his own. So he set off on a quest - to find a
place where he wasn't treated as an outcast - a place of his own.
He set off on foot through jungles, deserts, tribes, villages and
cities. While he was crossing a grass land, still recovering from a
brush fire, he saw a boy about ten New World years of age, walking
wearily over the bank of a dried up river.
The poor boy was dressed in rags and had soot covered his face. He
stopped when he saw Erkin, ran to him and started to plead
telepathically. 'Please, you must help me, my tribe has disowned me
because I have ex-ray vision and all of the other tribes are trying to
imprison me.
One tribe tried to trap me and conduct experiments on me. But I
managed to get away yesterday. Do you know of a tribe who would have
me?' the boy went on all in one breath. For a moment recognition and
sympathy flashed in Erkin's eyes. But then his brows arched in to a
frown. 'Can you speak?' Erkin communicated through telepathy.
The boy was caught off guard. What kind of a question is that. 'Of
course not.
How could I and besides why would I?' Communicated the boy. "Then you
are a mutation!
You can do what I can't and can't do what I can. You are an anomaly -
a mistake of nature" hissed Erkin and left the boy in the middle of the
grassland to stare in bewilderment.
To be Continued next week...
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