Tough action on culprits - military spokesman
Haiti peacekeepers' sex scandal
by Shanika Sriyananda
The Sri Lanka Army is awaiting the detailed report from the UN to
take tough disciplinary action against Lankan peacekeepers. These who
were allegedly accused of a sex scandal in Haiti.
Out of 950 Lankan peacekeepers, 108 soldiers were embroiled in the
alleged sex scandal, where the offence is yet to be clearly defined.
However according to the UN, the charges levelled against them were
'sexual exploitation'.
When contacted the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) Spokesman Brigadier Udaya
Nanayakkara said: "We do not know the nature of the offence and we have
to wait until the UN submits the full report to get the final
conclusion. A senior Sri Lankan Military Police officer in Haiti is now
assisting the UN investigators," he said.
A four member local military team who had flown to Haiti has already
submitted its preliminary investigation report to the SLA. The UN Office
of Internal Oversight Services had sought the assistance of the local
team, to carry out the investigation.
The UN statement stated that "The UN and Sri Lanka take this matter
very seriously and reiterated their shared commitment to both the
Secretary General's zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and
abuse and to the best practice in peacekeeping."
Brigadier Nanayakkara said that the UN had appreciated the prompt
actions taken by the governments to appoint an investigation team with
high ranking military officials to probe the scandal.
In a statement, the UN spokeswoman Michele Montas, who had stated
that the accused peacekeepers would be repatriated on disciplinary
grounds, he said that some of the Haitian women were involved in the sex
for money were minors.
However, the UN has recommended in 1995 to punish the erring
soldiers, and freeze their salaries to form a fund to assist the
victims. There are over 100,000 peacekeeping troops in Haiti from UN
member states. Over 800 peacekeepers have been suspended with series of
sexual abuse charges. In recent years, peacekeepers in Liberia, Congo
and Ivory Coast were among the soldiers accused for sexual exploitation.
Brigadier Nanayakkara said that they were going to be prosecuted in
Sri Lanka and the SLA would take disciplinary action against them.
Meanwhile, another team of Lankan soldiers would fly to Haiti to
replace with the team once the accused peacekeepers return home. |