Cannaballistic Cannabis
By Nilma Dole
Definitely a band worth taking note of when talking about the
brimming metal scene, Cannabis might be the only sludge metal band there
ever was in this part of the world.

Pix by Chinthaka Kumarasinghe
On location at ‘The Zetter’ |
The Cannabisically cannabalistic members comprise of Dinuk on vocals
and bass, Dasa on lead guitar and the drummer dude Sankha who also acts
as a rhythm guitarist when they go acoustic.
“Dasa and I first hooked up in school and back then, we played for a
band called Black Mass Ritual”, reminisces Dinuk. Their second gig was
at ‘Rock X’mas’ in Kandy and that was when they discovered Sankha.
Cannabis highlights their music as a type that revolves around sludge
metal with a fusion of doom. Coupling elements of stoner metal with
blends of Sri Lankan metal of their own style is incorporated too. Their
influences range from ‘Pantera’, ‘Down’, ‘Black Sabbath’ to old school
music from the 80s like ‘Jimi Hendrix’ and ‘Deep Purple’.
They currently have worked on two acoustic songs namely ‘Ballad for
the Deuce’ and ‘Menace the Faith’ and will record them at Empire
studios. They hope to launch their EP and album together with their
brother band Funeral in Heaven (FIH) and Fallen Grace and hope to do
consecutive launches in Colombo and Kandy.
“We are straight to the point and explore conspicious sides
especially due to our country’s situation”, says Dinuk. “Even though we
are in the Sri Lankan underground metal scene, we hope to break it gig
internationally but remain faithful to the underground,” they say. They
focus their music on everything from real-life issues to society.
“We want people to really understand the situation of the country by
listening to our music,” said Dinuk. When asking about carving the
Cannabis name Dinuk notes: “We are generally influenced by freedom and
the right of expression which is more than the herb called ‘Cannabis’
which is peace of mind.”
Right now, Clive Jones the vocalist of an international band called
Black Widow said that they will help Cannabis out which offers them hope
for the future.
As for full-time careers, Sankha works in a leading bank, Dinuk is
studying Business and Dasa is into Telecommunications. They are planning
to go abroad soon to complete their higher studies but will focus on
their music while they are still here. They say “Studies are a
priority.” Dinuk confesses to being a ‘retired tatoo artist’ and employs
his artistic style for the band to write enlightening songs.
As for advice, Cannabis highlights “Money is the downfall of all
bands and don’t play music for what other people want.” Further they
advise, “Do what’s in your heart, do what you love and what makes you
happy.” They play tribute music and pay their respects to our war heroes
and those who have sacrificed their lives for us.
They acknowledge Dasa’s mother and grandmother for their gracious
support and also Dinuk’s and Sankha’s parents who have been backing them
and funding them to fulfill their musical aspirations.
They thank Chathuranga, Roger and all of FIH, their tour manager,
Dinuk’s sister Ceylo Smits, graphic artist Dr.666, Fallen Grace, KRM,
Black Widow and their loyal stoner crew! |