Forget Eelam and join Govt
EROS’ military commander-turned-politician Rajanathan:
a moment when the LTTE is on its knees with debilitating fighting
capabilities, it is time for all the political parties to lend their
support to the Mahinda Rajapaksa government to defeat terrorism and to
find a durable solution to solve the national question, the former Eelam
Revolutionary Organisation of Students (EROS) military commander of the
East, Rajanathan Prabhakaran said.
Rajanarhan, who had joined the Tamil militants hoping to fulfil the
aspirations of the Tamils in the 1980s, said that the idea has become a
‘myth’ today.
He pointed out that the majority of the LTTE cadres are desperate to
abandon the arms struggle now that the outfit was losing its ground due
to severe shortage of man and fire power, to face the military on

President Mahinda Rajapaksa was genuinely interested in finding a
durable solution to the North and East crisis but the unpatriotic acts
of treacherous elements, who want to thrive for their political survival
have become a hindrance in his efforts.
“President Rajapaksa has done a lot to revert to democracy in the
North and East within a short period of time”, Rajanathan who is
contesting for the Eastern Provincial Councils said.
Following are the excerpts of the interview:
Q: What is your line of thinking on a separate unit for
Muslims in the East?
A: Unlike in the North all three communities are living in the
East. So a political arrangement should be made to see that all
communities in the province live in peace enjoying equal rights. The
Provincial Council system was introduced to devolve power at Provincial
So I feel creating a separate unit within the province for any
community won’t be a healthy idea. Through devolving powers the unity
and the dignity of all people irrespective of their race or religion
must be determined through the Provincial Council system.
Q: Majority of the political parties urge that the Pillayan
group should be disarmed in order to have a free and fair poll. Do you
A: What we understand is that the Tamil Makkal Viduthalai
Pulikal (TMVP) of Pillayan is now an active political party. However the
TMVP faces threat from the LTTE as its members were former members of
the outfit. So to ensure the safety of the TMVP members allowing them to
carry arms becomes inevitable.
But it is the responsibility of the TMVP members to ensure that they
are not turning their weapons against other political parties which are
also in the fray to restore peace and democracy in the East.
Q: Do you think that the presence of the International
monitors is vital at the forthcoming Eastern Province polls?
A: The polls should take place without any foul play. Our
party is not for overall international monitoring. We believe the
Indians could play an effective role in monitoring the polls as it was
India which was right behind Sri Lanka in introducing the Provincial
Council system in the Island.
Q: The TMVP claims that a Tamil should become a Chief Minister
in the Eastern Province. What is your comment?
A: Of course. Our party is also for a Tamil Chief Minister to
the Eastern Province. It is the Tamils in the North and East who made
enormous sacrifices to fulfil their political aspirations. Thousands of
Tamil youth have lost their lives in the past three decades of war to
achieve their political rights.
It is the struggle launched by the Tamils in the North and East
provinces even led to the creation of the Provincial Council
administrations a solution to the ethnic question. Therefore It could be
Pillayan, myself or anyone else, we insist that a Tamil should become a
Chief Minister of the Eastern province as the Tamils are the majority in
the region and it’s they who were agitating for their rights since the
independence of this country.
Q: There are indications that the LTTE is not in a position to
continue with militant activities as the Security Forces have taken the
upper hand in crippling them in the East as well as in other areas where
they were in control. So how do you see this situation?
A: We believe that the LTTE has been weakened and confined
very much into Wanni jungles. Since Karuna left the outfit its
activities have been curbed to a greater extent in the East. Some times
back the LTTE was using anti-aircraft weapons to face the aerial threats
from the SLAF.
However the SLAF aircraft now successfully targeted several key LTTE
positions in Wanni. It shows that the outfit now faces severe shortage
of weapons in dealing with the air attacks.
There are also reports that several cadres are now not in a mind
frame to continue with the armed struggle. The LTTE also faces shortage
of manpower to carry out attacks against the Security Forces in a big
So it is their tactics to use their suicide cadres to launch attacks
on prime targets such as they did at the Anuradhapura air base and the
recent killing of Minister Fernandopulle to create an impression that
they are still in a strong position. But what I won’t say that the
military operations have crippled them completely.
However their movements have been restricted. Gun running activities
between North and East have been stopped to a greater extent. Until the
LTTE militancy comes to an end either militarily or politically, none
could predict the precise strength of the LTTE.
Q: As you now live in Europe, how do you see the LTTE
activities abroad?
A: It was before the exit of Karuna from the LTTE, the outfit
enjoyed a massive support in various countries. Switzerland where I live
was described as the stronghold of the LTTE. But since the split that
occurred following Karuna’s exit from the outfit, there is a decline in
the overall support the LTTE had in several countries in Europe and in
other parts in the world.
The extortions and other untoward activities carried out by the LTTE
against its own people have made the Lankan Tamil expatriates to think
that the outfit is doing everything for its own survival and not to
bring any settlement to the North and East crisis.
The LTTE has also killed and abducted several Lankan youth who did
not oblige them. So these sort of terror activities and their political
as well as military failures in the island have made majority of the
Lankan Tamil expatriates not only in Europe but also in various other
countries such as in the USA, Canada, Australia and the UK to keep away
themselves from supporting the LTTE.
The mishandling of the peace process by the LTTE has also made
several countries to come hard on the outfit by proscribing it.
It was the founder of EROS Ratnasabapathy who played an important
role in highlighting the North and East crisis abroad. Therefore several
countries with genuine sympathy understood the problem and extended
their support politically. But it was the LTTE that tarnished
The scenario changed following the Indo-Lanka pact that was brought
out with the Indian assistance to solve the national question in 1987.
If the LTTE had accepted the treaty along with other Tamil parties at
that time there would have been peace in the North and East and the
country at large long ago.
Q: At the `Global Peace Support Group’ seminar held recently
in London a South African Parliamentarian claimed that the LTTE was the
sole representative of Tamils in the North and East. Does this mean that
the anti-LTTE parties have been silenced abroad and the LTTE is still
accepted by certain countries?
A: It is absurd. I don’t know what that South African
Parliamentarian meant by saying LTTE was the sole representative of the
Tamils in the North and East. How can she say like that? there are
several Tamil political parties in the North and East.
The TULF, EROS (my party) PLOTE, EPRLF, TELO, EPDP and the TMVP are
still very active in the region. Those parties have contested in several
polls and gained the support of the people. Even in the recent Local
Government polls in the East my party was able to gain a seat in the
Batticaloa Municipal Council.
The TMVP won the majority of the local bodies at the recent LG polls
in the East. So how come the LTTE could claim that it is the sole
representative of the Tamils. If you take the situation in the North the
EPDP leader is represented at the Parliament from the Jaffna district.
The PLOTE has its say in Vavuniya. However the LTTE could be one of
the representatives of the Tamils with their strong presence in
Kilinochchi. But that does not mean that they are the sole
representative of Tamils. They had several opportunities to win the
hearts and minds of the Tamils.
But it is due to their arrogant attitudes the outfit has lost the
popular support of the Tamils in the North and East. Therefore the LTTE
can not claim that it is the sole representative of the Tamils. The
International Community is not prepared to believe its claim any more.
Q: Do you think the Tamil militancy to achieve the political
aspirations of the Tamils have failed and it is through political means
the Tamils could gain their political rights?
A: Certainly. The Tamil militancy has failed in reaching its
goals.It was when the Indo-Lanka accord was signed majority of the Tamil
militant outfits entered the political mainstream and gave their support
to find a solution to the Tamil question politically.
There was a period where the Tamils believed that by carrying arms
they could create a separate state called `Eelam’. But later with the
Indo-Lanka accord they realised that it is absurd to depend on the arms
struggle to achieve their political rights.
They realised that the Indo-Lanka accord and the Provincial Council
system has given a good opening for them to get rid of their conflict.
Therefore I would say the three decades of militant struggle in the
North and East has created nothing but aggravated situation by lose of
lives and properties and making thousands of innocent Tamils in the
North and East to leave their places of origin and become refugees both
locally as well as abroad.
So it is certain the separation of the country is not going to happen
and under a unitary system with an extensive devolution of powers
through a Federal arrangement the ethnic question could be settled
Q: What is your comment on the role that was played by Norway
and the Co-chair countries in carrying out the peace process?
A: I believe it was a total flop. Norway which played the role
as a facilitator could not live upto expectations. They hardy delivered
anything constructive.When the LTTE violated the ceasefire, Norway and
the Co-chair countries could not stop the outfit from violating the
Ceasefire Agreement. Most of the time they danced to the tune of the
They thought the organisation was listening to them. But everything
happened other way around. Therefore the peace process backed by Norway
and the Co-chair countries was nothing but a meaningless approach with
the wastage of money and time.
Q: As a senior member of the EROS do you think that the
national issue was an outcome of the false promises offered by the Tamil
A: That is the reality. The Tamil politicians have misled the
innocent people by giving false promises. The Eastern province was
neglected for a long period. Even the basic needs of the people in the
East were not met properly.
It was in this the innocent Tamils in the North and East were
misguided by the irresponsible Tamil politicians that through separating
the North and East from rest of the country only a durable solution
could be found.
The Tamil youth were brain washed to accept militancy as a solution
to the North and East crisis. However the politicians who have misled
the Tamils had paid a heavy price for what they did.
Therefore what my party EROS wants is that a political should be
found not only to fulfil the political aspirations of the Tamils but
also to see that the innocent and the hapless civilians who had felt the
brunt of the war begin everything new in a healthy socio-economic
Q: The International Community has expressed its concerns over
the human rights violations. Don’t you think that the LTTE is very much
behind the human rights violations that are being committed in the North
and East?
A :The human rights violations in the North and the East have
been committed by all armed organisations in the region. However it is
the LTTE which is responsible for most of the human rights violations.
They have annihilated the members of the rival militant outfits,
assassinated several politicians, intellectuals and carried out the
killings of innocent civilians on a mass scale in the North and East.
It is the continuity of the war which has led to severe violation of
human rights in the North and East. But very little is known to the
outside world of what is happening daily in the areas where the LTTE is
in control.
Q: Why has the International Community not come down hard on
the LTTE in denouncing the violence against its own people?
A: I won’t say the International community is ignorant of the
LTTE violence. The International community condemned the violence
committed by the LTTE on several occasions. We should remember that
several countries affiliated to the European Union have proscribed the
Apart from the action taken against the LTTE in Europe the countries
such as the USA, Australia, UK and Canada have also banned the LTTE
activities in their soil. Several key LTTE activists have been put
behind bars in many countries. But the LTTE is not bothered at all about
the condemnations or actions taken against it globally.
Q: Do you think that in the long run the LTTE would come
forward to give up arms due to appeals made for them to enter the
political mainstream?
A: To isolate the LTTE from the Tamil people a healthy
solution should be offered to end the North and East crisis. Therefore
if a constructive solution is offered to the Tamils by the Government,
the Tamils will accept it and the LTTE will start fading away.
But without any proper settlement to the North and East ethnic crisis
I don’t think the LTTE will give up the armed struggle and enter the
political mainstream. The chauvinist attitudes of several parties in the
south has only made the LTTE to thrive in the places where it operates.
Q: How do you assess the handling of the North and East issue
by President Mahinda Rajapaksa?
A: I can very well see that President Rajapaksa is genuinely
interested in finding a durable solution to the North and East crisis. I
met President Rajapaksa in Geneva last year and had conversed with him
for nearly an hour. I found that he was honestly working on an agenda to
find a political solution to the ethnic crisis.
However the ground reality in the south is that he is unable to gain
the overall support of the political parties for his efforts.
The setting up of the APRC under the Chairmanship of Professor Tissa
Vitharana indicates the arrangements the President made to come out for
a political solution for the ethnic question. But certain unscrupulous
elements are creating obstacles for his efforts merely for their
political survival.
Therefore it is the need of the hour for all political forces to shed
their differences and join hands to bring an early settlement to the
national question in order to make the country to focus on the
development activities.
*Creating a separate unit within the Eastern Province is not a
healthy sign.
* The TMVP’s responsibility is not to turn their weapons against
other political parties.
* Tamils need a Tamil Chief Minister in the East.
*The LTTE is weak and is confined to Wanni.
*No support for the LTTE in the West.
*It is absurd to say that the LTTE is the sole representative of
*Tamil militancy has failed in reaching its goals.
*Norway and Co-chairs dance to the tune of the LTTE.
*Tamil politicians have misled innocent people by giving false
*The chauvinistic attitudes of certain southern political parties
made the LTTE to thrive. |