Sisira Kumara adjudged ‘Mr. Classic’
By Lal Gunesekera
BODYBUIILDING: Sisira Kumara of the Ultimate Fitness Centre
(Colombo) was adjudged ‘Mr. Classic’ at the contest conducted by the
Interim Committee of the Sri Lanka Body Building and Fitness Federation
(SLBBFF) at the Vincent Dias Stadium in Badulla recently.

The General Manager of the Lotteries Board, T. Karunaratne
(Second from left) is seen with the winner of the Mr.
Classie Contest of the Sri Lanka Body Building and Fitness
Federation (SLBBFF), Sisira Kumara (second from right) at
the Vincent Dias Stadium in Badulla. On extreme left is
Lalith Vajira Nishnatha first runner-up and W. M. Suneth the
second runner-up on extreme right. |
Lalith Vajira Nishantha of Chanura Barbell Club (Kaduwela) was the
first runner-up, while W.M. Suneth of Mirigama Barbell Sports Club was
second runner-up.
There were 43 entries for the contest and only 17 qualified for the
finals held in Badulla after the semi-finals staged at the Colombo YMCA
at the end of last month (March).
This was organised by the Lotteries Board at the invitation of the
Deputy Minister of Justice and Law Reforms, Dilan Perera.

Rex Vurghose the reigning Mr. India gives an exhibition demonstration. |
According to the Chairman of the Interim Committee of the SLBBFF,
Jeffrey Schucroft, the organisers presented Rs. 10,000/= to the winner,
Rs. 7500/= to the first runner-up and Rs. 5000/= to the second
runner-up, while the SLBBFF gave away US Dollars Rs. 200/= worth of
proteins to the first three, while all contestants were provided with
transport, accommodation and meals too by the controlling body.
Schucroft also said that the finals of the Mr. Novice and Mr. Western
Province contests will be held concurrently on May 10 at the S. de S.
Jayasinghe Memorial Hall in Dehiwala at 4.30 p.m. There were 82 entries
for the Mr. Novice contest and 30 for the Mr. Western Province.
The first nine at the Mr. Classic contest were:- (1) Sisira Kumara
(Ultimate Fitness Centre), (2) Lalith Vajira Nishantha (Chanura Barbell
Club), (3) W.M. Suneth (Mirigama Barbell Sports Club), (4) Nuwan Senaka
Livera (Power Man Sports Club of Katana), (5)L. Upul Kamal (High Power
Gymnasium of Kandana), (6) Sidath Krishantha (Mirigama Barbell Sports
Club), (7)Suren Deepal (High Power Gymnasium, Kandana), Pradeep
Krishantha (Colombo Municipal Council), (9) D.M. Indika (Army, Panagoda). |