Ra-Blue's buddies
Ra-Blue met two of his close school buddies and had a heart to heart
The Elephant party leader said his happy and gay friend Maa-Lick's
short-sighted advice had ruined both him and his party. Ra-Blue has
sought advice from the duo to get rid of Maa-Lick and retain his party
Lady plays havoc
The Retired Big Lady played havoc during the 'Mapila' convention. It
was her former confidant Es Bee who said the lady would soon run naked
like a mad woman. After the convention, Es Bee told a close media friend
that his 2001 statement would soon become a reality going by the way the
lady conducts herself.
Media freedom
The Big Lady focussed on media freedom at the convention, barely
minutes after her security men harassed scribes at the entrance. Even
Wedding Sam's buddy Gem Ferdy too had problems with the lady's security
men. It was finally Tee-Run the Potato who apologised to the media and
got them to the venue.
Lady's transparency
After the Lady made a fiery speech at the convention, coming down
hard on corruption, a youthful scribe affiliated to the 'Mapila' team
asked Wedding Sam how practical she was. He questioned the transparency
of the Retired Lady's infamous Kotte golf course deal where an acre was
sold for a mere three hundred odd rupees.
Mere gimmick
Ra-Blue, in a bid to survive as party leader, asked his media
confidants to publicise that Es Bee and Saa-Jeet, the live Slave, would
be entrusted big roles at the forthcoming Provincial Council elections.
But that was a mere gimmick. Ra-Blue has no such intention at all and
would only sideline the duo.
Ha-Cream to return
Ha-Cream, after shattering his Eastern chief minister dreams is
planning to return to the House of Diyawanna. Though the pro-green media
gave publicity to a news item that Es Bee would get Ha-Cream's seat,
that is not so. Ha-Cream is adamant that the seat belongs to his Tree
Party and that he should make a comeback.