Joan de Mel, Founder of Sri Lanka Sumithrayo
Joan is no more. It is difficult to imagine Sumithrayo without her at
the helm. Joan steered us through for 34 years in her own inimitable
style, never one for fanfare and positions she tried to instil in us
that the caller (distressed person) is the most important person at
Sumithrayo and the volunteer in the room with the caller next.
The legacy she has left behind is priceless. It is our prerogative to
carry forward our banner of hope for the distressed and suicidal. In one
of her last memos to our centre in Colombo she said she was especially
glad that the younger and newer volunteers played a large part in
outreach projects and awareness programmes.
That was so typical of Joan, though frail in body her astute mind saw
the importance of giving over to the young to carry on the work done
with such dedication and commitment by the old pillars of Sumithrayo.
Many a time I likened her to be the admiral of our ‘ship’. She knew
every rule in our book, she inspired us and illustrated by example to do
what was right and expected us to do the same. Joan was not in favour of
having social events and annual picnics. She believed we could spend
that time in a more fruitful way, like organising our annual sale for
which she gave her fullest support.
The only event we celebrate once a year is our anniversary. Joan
graced the occasion each year, the picture of elegance in a beautiful
saree and in later years in a striking salwa kameez.
Her silver white hair styled to perfection she would gracefully cut
the cake amidst thunderous applause. She enjoyed the event so
enthusiastically organised by the newest recruits and she made it a
point to speak to each one of them before leaving the party.
My first recollection of Joan was fourteen years ago-her stately
presence and the quiet dignity in which she carried out her duties as
the founder of Sri Lanka Sumithrayo kept me secretly in awe of her.
I was a new recruit then and I had just begun my journey with
Sumithrayo. It was perhaps, in the last five years that I grew close to
Joan. We had a mutual passion for books which kept us in constant
contact and we revelled in discussing the contents of different books.
She loved reading about India, her home for some years in the past.
She tried to master the intricacies of the computer and many a time was
irritated and fed up when the ‘machine’ did not comply to her command!
She liked playing Scrabble but I was no match for her.
Her vast vocabulary of the English language floored me and I faltered
every single time! She loved flowers, growing them and receiving them.
Her room and sitting room overflowed with bunches and bouquets of
flowers on her birthday in April sent by loving volunteers and friends.
Joan’s first fall took her to hospital for a few days.
The first thing she wanted me to do was to set the sports channel on
TV so she would not miss watching the tennis matches! Her positive
attitude to perhaps months of being confined to bed amazed me. Her grit
and determination to start walking again was a lesson to us all.
She attended a council meeting in the national building by being ‘air
lifted’ in a chair. Such was her dedication. Joan astounded us by
walking to the centre to do her Wednesday afternoon shift with the aid
of a stick!! Rather than be held like an invalid she preferred us to
walk beside her while taking her home.
She was delighted that she was kept informed of the activities going
on at the centre and was eager to help and listen to the young
volunteers. With a definite twinkle in her eye she gleefully told me one
day that she had climbed the stairs on her own.
She had purchased a bookshelf and her next chore was to fill it with
books. Sadly this was not to happen. Joan’s second fall was more serious
and her stay in hospital much longer and yet as the pain got better she
spoke of the delicious roast chicken the chef had made especially for
Back at her home despite all the love, care and concern by everyone
around her she must have come to terms with the fact that she was not
going to walk again. Joan slipped away peacefully early on Saturday
morning just after Christmas.
Joan leaves behind her daughter Penny and son Nick and us all at
May her soul rest in peace.
Mela, Sri Lan