Winner of Santa’s gift is: Sandani
Manthila Liyange of Sujatha Balika Vidyalaya, Matara.(No.89,
Abeygunarathne Mawatha,Welegoda,Matara) Answer: Peace |
Win a prize
Word hunt
Look at the picture clues and fill in the words. The boxes in each
block correspond with the number of letters in each word. Good luck!
Every week we will feature a different competition in this page which
will give an opportunity for readers (5-16) to participate and win a
gift pack containing useful printed matter from Symtra (Pvt) Ltd. of
114, Maliban Street, Colombo, pioneers of paper art and stickers. One
winner will be picked through a draw each week, and the winner's name,
along with the correct answer or answers will be published in this page,
under the title of the competition.
The gift pack will be mailed under registered cover to the winners by
Symtra (Pvt) Ltd, once the names are published. Entries for the
competition should be mailed to 'Win a prize', C/o Junior Observer, Lake
House,35, D.R. Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10 on or before Thursday
this week. The Editor's decision will be final.
Write your name,
school and home address clearly.

Number patterns
Little Premila is keen on learning to count. She is interested in
studying the counting tables, but she needs a little help from you to do
so. Look at the number patterns and fill in the missing numbers. Then
write what tables she is studying in the blank spaces.

Calendar grid
We have ushered in a New Year and are still in the month of January
which is the first month in the calendar. There are twelve months in a
year as you all know. Hidden in the grid are the names of these twelve
months. Find them using the clues given here.
The Sinhala names of the months are also given under it to
familiarise you with the English names given for each month. The Poya
Day of each month is identified by these names.

Opposites attract
Take a close look at the pictures given in the two columns on the
left. You will notice some differences. The picture in one column is the
opposite of a similar picture in the other column. See if you can match
the opposites.