Kizhan - 4 years and 4 months shows signs of being chess champion
By Upananda Jayasundera - Kandy Sports Special Corr.

Harrie Kizhan - just 4 years and 4 months shows signs of being a
champion at chess. Picture by Upananda Jayasundera - Kandy
Sports Special Corr.
CHESS: Small is big - that’s how the saying goes and this is very
true of Harrie Kizhan - son of Mr. and Mrs. Kirubar of Peradeniya Road,
Kandy who is turning out to be a champion in the game of chess.
Kizhan - just 4 years and 4 months participated in the Central
Province Chess Association tournament for school children and in the
under 8 tournament he showed signs of becoming a champion when he won 2
matches easily and lost the other 4 in a group of around 66
Although little Kizhan lost four matches with more experience
players, he was able to play with them for more than one hour in the
matches. In the last match he was able to play for more than one and a
half hours.
The way young Kizhan made the moves took everyone by surprise for a
young boy of his age to play so methodically. His teacher Priyangika
Ranasinghe sees a big future for him in chess and he should be able to
win the under 8 National Championships soon.