Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 5 April 2009





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Swimming for healthy mind and body

SWIMMING: The strength of a nation depends on the health of its citizens and as such, the physical development of the boys and girls, men and women of our country is of utmost importance. For healthy growth exercise is necessary and in this respect swimming is positively useful.

Swimming has been widely recognised as an excellent form of exercise which is better fitted than many other sports to improve the physique, to strengthen the body functioning and to produce perfect co-ordination of the mind and muscles of the par-takers. The benefits and advantages of continuous participation are many.

The therapeutic value of this exercise is beneficial in alleviating the effects of some diseases.

Swimming is of seasonal value as well and on warm days, the invigorating effect of a cool plunge into the water cannot be overestimated. Those who have experienced it, know it for certain that it restores vitality of the human organism for physical and mental functions.

Being a social pleasure, swimming invites all healthy people to take their share in it, and further it offers excellent opportunities for recreation to the young and old alike.

This sport can be of great service to the people and its value from the life-saving and life preserving standpoint requires emphasis, apart from this aspect, it is one of the best methods of exercising most of the muscles of the body in a short time. Therefore, it is more suitable for those who have sufficient leisure as well as those who have only little free time at their disposal.

Knowledge of techniques of swimming also helps people in everyday life. In addition to one's ability to remain afloat or move in the water, common sense and tact must be applied in the practical way. Aquatics being a hazardous sport, a sound approach is most essential.

It is an accepted fact that everyone, irrespective of his physical abilities, should know when, where and how to swim.


In Sri Lanka we find around us everywhere a wide variety of bathing and swimming places, some of which are safe and others are not. The selection of a suitable place is left largely to the discretion of the individual who wants to get into the water. In this connection, it is common sense more than anything else that should guide him.

As a general rule, no one should enter the water unless he is under the observation or company of a life guard, swimming coach or a dependable friend.

By adopting this elementary principle it is possible to guarantee safety to a large extent. Further, care must also be taken to choose a spot which is devoid of hidden dangers such as underwater currents, submerged foreign bodies and harmful aquatic creatures.

Non-swimmers and novices have to be all the more careful and it is advisable that they seek the help and guidance of experienced persons.It is necessary to note that swimming particularly in very cold water, requires some kind of adjustment and preparation. True, the human body is capable of functioning in the face of environment changes and even in extreme conditions. However, any sudden change is repulsive as it is not natural.

Water of low temperature has varying effects and influence upon different individuals. While some are affected only momentarily, some others may suffer serious consequences.Those who are weak and delicate become easy victims. By suddenly plunging into cold water, breathing is inhibited and in some cases it is rather difficult to regain normal respiration. Numbness may attack the limbs to such an extent that they may get temporarily paralysed.

Water which is below 73 degrees is usually considered to be cold and under such a situation, there must be some kind of pre-swimming, activity.

It is therefore suggested that the swimmer stands in shallow water and rub water on the face, arms and other parts of the body. By this scientific process it is possible to get acclimatised to the new surroundings and it will create a condition of readiness for what is to follow.

Something must be said regarding the duration of swimming, as many are not familiar with the simple rules of the game.

It is not too easy to specify the maximum time recommended for remaining in water as much depends on the physical fitness of the person concerned, temperature of the water and the atmospheric conditions as well. However, for healthy, grown-up people 45 minutes of active participation is ordinarily good enough.


The fact still remains that the question under consideration is entirely personal and hence it must be judged and determined for each individual separately.

The length of time, a person may stay in the water without ill-effects is governed by certain physiological factors as well as by the sense of physical discomfort.

When one is tired, feels uncomfortable, gets chill or starts shivering, the real signal is on indicating the time to get out. Just out of enthusiasm and enjoyment some, particularly youngsters, remain in the water longer than they should. It is here the wise guidance is necessary in the interest of personal safety.

Taking in food and sports activities are inter-related subjects. It is generally understood that the early process of digestion and vigorous exercise do not go together and that a person may suffer from cramps as a result of entering into water soon after eating.

After a heavy meal there should be an interval of at least an hour, so that no risk is involved in swimming. Further, exercises after the food in the system are partly digested, have always been found to be healthy and more enjoyable.


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