Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 5 July 2009





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

TNA political changes show good signs

The foundation for a stable and everlasting “Home Grown Solution” was laid down on 2nd July 2009, at Temple Trees with the participation of 23 political parties including UNP, JVP and TNA which are supposed to be the crucial and decisive political groups in the country.

TNA MP Sivanathan Kishore with Senior Presidential Advisor Basil Rajapaksa and Rishad Bathiudeen MP

President Rajapaksa brought peace in nearly three years by crushing LTTE, the most powerful and feared terrorist outfit. It was almost a miracle and nobody believed the crush of LTTE until it was physically eliminated. Now it is time to bring about the prosperity and economic stability which is an equally difficult task, which is possible with same hard work, vision and dedication, which the President has proved to the fellow citizens and world over.

Every nation has problems unique to themselves, for which a solution should be found which satisfies every citizen and arrived at peacefully based on indigenous solutions for a fair, reasonable and everlasting solution. Our immediate problem is the issue of the “Internationally Displaced” according to international law of 300,000 of our fellow citizens who are homeless due to the 30 year terror campaign by misguided fellow citizens who are responsible to the destruction of the wealth, future, and happiness of all citizens and has become a threat to world peace.


IDPs are common in war and conflict zones. They are in millions in Asia and Africa in miserable conditions. They are people displaced due to international conflicts. In a way our brethren too were displaced due to indirect intervention of the international community by helping the LTTE passed as freedom fighters misguiding the world with powerful front organizations and enormous funds.

Our brethren are not IDPs. They are LDPs - Locally Displaced citizens due to terror of LTTE, consisting of a majority of citizens of the North, which is one of the issues on the 13th Amendment. East is completely liberated and democracy established. People as well as the land are completely liberated.

It is the “Rice Bowl” of the nation and the most productive area in the country with the beautiful and natural harbour, virgin and fertile land, which today is managed by indigenous people consisting of all three communities living in harmony.

It is our duty to safeguard and look after our own LDPs and we need assistance if possible and not advise and guidance on how our brethren should be treated. Expectations of a human being are unlimited. But LDPs are well and warmly looked after until they are properly settled and families united. We are sad about the statements made by some local and international organizations and individuals who distort the actual situation.

We must be cautious in making statements on LDPs as it is picked up by unscrupulous elements against us. Tamil Net picked up a statement made by Sarath N. Silva just days before his retirement on the conditions of toilets in camps - when it has been the responsibility of a UN funded agency - that people have to wait long to use toilets. Tamil Net on 4th June 2009 made the damning report based on the above inflammatory statement which is absolutely unwarranted and unnecessary. There were further reports on the net - that Tamils can not expect Justice under Sri Lankan Laws.... .... The statement that “Even the LTTE had semblance of respect - it had referred several cases to legitimate courts in the North - Even Tigers respected our Judiciary... too were picked by Tamil Net propaganda and it is time we be extremely careful making statements on LDPs which is the issue in question today.

Judicial appointments are excellent and in conformity with the 17th Amendment. Lawyers and litigants are at ease and relieved with sigh of relief as now they have a kind and balanced “Head of the Judiciary” loved by the members of judiciary and the people.

Election of the Eastern Chief Minister and appointment of Karuna as a Minister are excellent and the changes of TNA and the TNA MP Sivanathan Kishore’s political changes are good signs of a bright and peaceful future.

Self appointed experts

Sri Lankan issue is in the limelight for so long as there are self appointed experts on Sri Lanka all over the world giving various suggestions and solutions to our problem which we go through with so much of pain which only we are able to find a solution with the help of others where necessary. Bill Gate controls the massive worldwide business using a mega computer and we do not understand why we can not manage our administration and economy centrally using modern techniques. Out President has made this year IT and English which is a good sign for an innovative and novel chapter in our history.

M.C. has addressed almost all immediate and burning issues, out of which the N and E issue, is on the top of the agenda. Colossal amount of National wealth is wasted, hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost disturbed and displaced and our position in the world family was down graded in the past. Fortunately, due to correct steps taken by H.E. we are now regaining the reputation among the world community. H.E. has directly and indirectly addressed almost all the immediate and burning issues. MC has addressed honourable peace, disciplined society, rule of law and protection of collective and individual human rights, and agricultural industry, energy, science, technology, art, culture, lands, environment.

It is now time to learn from experiences and mistake. “A National Consensus and Honourable Peace” in which the basic theme is as CAF is haste and short sighted, new approach based on a fresh perspective. “A home grown solution is proposed. Previous attempts have been unsuccessful; situation has been complex due to external interferences.

Discussions with all political and non political groups. Discussions with Maha Sangha, other religious leaders, the civil society particularly, Tamil and Muslim organizations in the North and East.

Time frame to implement this within a specified period. Sovereignty of Sri Lanka, the territorial integrity, and unitary nature not to be compromised. Developed powers to the citizen. Not to be trapped into all theories such as self-determination homeland, and connected theories, and concepts.

Initiate direct talks, with parties concerned. Protection of minorities be given priority. They are considered as members of the family - based on Sri Lankan Identity. Failure of previous talks because there were no clear plans or pre-determined time frames.

Clean agenda, specific time frame and vital concerns such as renouncing separatism, discussions towards a final solution and the implementation of such a solutions to be addressed, and implemented.

Renewed foreign policy

Rectification of the imbalance on interferences as a result of short sighted decisions taken our international relations and policy and international affairs which have affected the unitary nature, unity, sovereignty and pride of the country.

To invite the “Good Office” of India - our immediate neighbour and a close friend. Request - co-operation with Asian Countries, China, Russia and Pakistan for a peaceful resolution.

Appointment of Constitution Re-drafting Committee, with representatives of the Opposition, and to submit to the people, for a referendum. Development plan to continue in the North and East, whilst the reform process and talks continue. CAF to be amended or scrapped (already scrapped and the war is won in three years) “Jatika Saviya” to be set up, with the help of the private sector, to help displaced victims of war and help the nation for re-building. “Jaya Lanka” program to rehabilitate Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim and tsunami-affected, areas and groups.”

Temporary trustee

According to MC - A ruler is only a temporary trustee and not an owner of your children’s heritage. Before HE became the “Trustee” of our nation the approach and strategy towards a solution to N and E issue has been ad-hoc.

Mahinda in his wisdom will find a solution to this complicated issue and it is time to all to have trust in him and let him handle it. North and East issue escalated mainly due to the mismanagement by the predecessors belonging to all political parties - not necessarily the United National Party. People brought H.E. into power, based on “trust” on him to be a temporary “Trustee” - Not necessarily the SLFP alone and as H.E was supported by the people, irrespective of any other differences. H.E’s election campaign was a unique campaign based on his personal friends, well-wishers of him and Nation worldwide and the need of the People. Achievement of H.E on the N and E issue is unique, successful, and far reaching.

It is HE’s personal stature, vision and activism that has catalyzed us to be respected member of the world family “again”.

Facts, and results speak for themselves, our brethren and alert, well informed and vigilant especially on the N & E issue. Appointments made, steps taken, strategy adopted, handling the international community, is excellent, Head-Hunting of the head of the peace secretariat, Secretary, Ministry of Defense, Army Commander and other appointments are well thought of.

Tolerance of the people

Our difficulties in economics hardships, demonstrate their support to H.E and the citizens are patiently permitted HE, to carry on particularly implementation of M.C, which is an endorsement and encouragement for a permanent solution to this burning issue. H.E has introduced a “New Political Culture” by signing “MOUs” with UNP (17 fraction now dissolved), JVP and JHU and unwritten MOUs with CWC and many other parties. This is a unique achievement, where the country has put forward, as the main item, out of party, personal, either or other differences. This is mainly to aim at a main resolution to the N and E issue. How do we, and to what way, should we strengthen the hands of “H.E” to achieve a permanent solution acceptable to all parties concerned. We should follow the events and study the situations, without being emotional.

The issues are so complicated and rooted, that we need to know the real situation. Fortunately “H.E” has taken steps to simplify the procedure. Be above board and learn to “Live and let live”. The land belongs to all and all have equal rights. “H.E” who is a Human Right Activist will pave the way to all citizens to enjoy all “Human Rights” demonstrated in an accepted international “Human Right” instrument in the world. Be tolerant and assist the Security Forces.

Do not be influenced by gossip. Please do your “duty” as a responsible citizen. Be “awake” every minute. Please be civic conscious even during your day-to-day activities. Be professional and try to lead the normal life. Learn from other countries. In Israel there is an on going war and no sigh of any settlement. But the development is growing faster, and despite war-life continues both. No country is safe, and there is no country, without a conflict. This is a reality. USA, UK or any other EU countries no a safe haven. These are realities. Therefore our only salvation is work hand-in-hand with “H.E” for the implementation of Mahinda Chinthana in the next 6-12 years. “MC” concept now does not belong to “H.E” or SLFP it is in the national agenda acceptable by all political parties and the people of Sri Lanka. Let us work together for a peaceful, prosperous and unique Sri Lanka using “MC” as a vehicle and please let Mahinda handle this crucial issue the way he handled the peace. Now let him work for prosperity peacefully.


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