Mind For Advertising spreads wings
`Mind For Integrated Solutions' which is one of the key advertising
companies, is a 100 percent Sri Lankan company which entered the
advertising industry six years ago.
Within a very short period Mind For was able to spread its wings to
the international standards and levels and broaden its activities.
This was mainly through the advertising campaigns conducted in India.
With this, Mind for became the very first Sri Lankan advertising company
to conduct advertising operations in India.
Mind For's aim is to establish its operations in Dubai and Sydney
before the end of 2009.
Mind For also possesses all India Media Accreditation which empowers
and gives the licence to publish or broadcast (in printed or digital
media) in any state of India. This is a remarkable strength to the
Indian Entrepreneurs and also to the Sri Lankan brands that are exported
to the Indian Market.
The advertising campaigns of TATA Indicom mobile telephone service
company and Hyundai cars within India were navigated successfully by
Mind For.
Within Sri Lanka, Mind For has covered many trades and industries
such as Automobile, Agro and Agro Chemicals, Fast Moving Consumer Goods
(FMCG), Banks and Financial Institutions up to Lifestyle products.
Mind For also possesses a very experienced and knowledgeable staff on
Brand building in the Sri Lankan office as well as in India. There are
three separate teams working in the branches of Mumbai, Bangalore and
As a company policy, Mind For employs only Sri Lankans exclusively of
all nationalities, Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, Burger. Likewise, in India
Mumbai and Bangalore consists of staff who speak Hindi and English and
Chennai staff includes of people who speaks Tamil and English