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Sunday, 5 July 2009





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In the modern world, the life is like a roller coaster. It is so fast and has sudden jerks, ups and downs and even takes you upside down but you still like to take a ride. Life may never be smooth or hassle free, yet we all want to live our lives happily. “Why was I born?” or “What will be my future?” or “Living is a mess - what should I do about it?” or... “What’s my purpose of living?” or variations of these are frequently asked questions by the majority of the modern society that do not have satisfactory answers. But for some, after a lot of hard work they have attained their heart’s desires; good job, love, wealth, recognition or anything else and found the satisfaction was not what they had expected?

That emptiness still exists within? Or may be they are obsessed with the fear of losing what they have gained?

Despite the affluence of the Western lifestyle, many Sri Lankans aren’t happy, and the numbers of unhappy and depressed people are ever increasing. Seemingly we don’t know how to live our lives the right way - how to draw contentment, happiness, maybe even a little joy, from our lives on a daily basis.

I believe so much in human power and in fact will continue to be a strong advocate of the need to tap into the inner human power to create greater value for both your employer and yourself.

Fundamental reason why one should work hard to achieve financial independence is to enjoy life. Idea of writing this is not to make you complacent but to encourage you to live happily and to achieve the purpose of living in every aspect of life. Is the loss worth the gain?

Let’s be realistic and honest here - hands up all of you who bounce out of bed every single morning, raring to get to work and enjoying yourself every minute of the day?

If you didn’t put your hand up even metaphorically, you’re not alone. But many leaders try to create this state of mind in employees.

Yes, we find employees who are self motivated and committed to work but that is not only to make the employer rich but also to achieve career goals being the foundation for happy living.Every human being’s wish, in this world, is happiness in life and there are many ways to be happy.

But when we work too hard or worry too much, we often forget that the simple things in life are those that make us happy, a call from a loved one, a smile from a stranger, the sight of a beautiful art, listening to a nice song, a surprise gift, a tasty meal, a pat on the back, etc.

It doesn’t require that much of an effort to get these simple gifts. These gifts are available in plenty and for free, but they provide immeasurable happiness. Add so much meaning to life.

There is nothing wrong in striving at work and in fact that’s the right thing to do, but people must watch out for signs that they have begun to work themselves to death. We all have our aspirations in life, so we work hard but you know that success in the workplace doesn’t always bring happiness. It’s another art like any other that has to be learned and mastered.

When this dimension is ignored, you end up sacrificing your family, your friends, your life to achieve your professional goals, but in the process you lose yourself. Then you wonder if the loss is worth the gain.

For sustainability of anything, it’s important to seek balance and understand the night and day, back and forth and good and bad in all activities we do.

Making the right choice

If you are not enjoying your job, it is important to figure out why. If it is due to something that is relatively simple to fix, there is no need to go through the hassle of upheaving your whole life. However, there are many cases where the job you’re in is just not suited for you.

If you are truly bored by your job, gather up your resources and change. Remember though, that you may be taking the same problems with you, so it might be worth working them out now and getting them fixed before you make the move. Continue to do a job you hate or working for the wrong employer is not a wise thing to do.

Train the mind to rely only on inner stimulation

You deserve some time for yourself every day to indulge in your own world, to do something you love, or even do nothing. You need a little time as a part of the daily cycle to forget your chores, tasks, work and even goals to rejuvenate your mind and body. Spend time alone and try to introspect on your nature, behaviour and character. Love yourself, focus on your inner and outer beauty to see the same in others.

Stop relying on external aspects to stimulate you and make you happy. You have pursued money, careers, status, and friends, and you relish them while you have them. The bad news is that they are not necessarily permanent. So, don’t treasure other things; just be happy with yourself.

Enriching day-to-day life

The writer is the Country Chairman, Managing Director/CEO of Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC and Chevron Ceylon Ltd.

It’s important that every individual engages him or herself in what they like to enjoy most. Music is a magic healer. The great thing about music is that music calms the soul and relaxes your mind. It can help you cheer up when you are down. Sports are a good remedy to keep away from bad influences. Not only does sports teach discipline, leadership, team work, setting and achieving goals and help build character, it also gets you off the sofa, into an energetic and lively feeling that’s so important to live a cheerful life.

Connecting with people you love regularly gives you so much happiness and nature is an amazing healer for the stresses and strains of modern life. Create a habit of enjoying simple activities you do at home. If you slow down for just a moment and take the time to appreciate the ordinary daily activities, life becomes instantly more enjoyable.

The list of things you can do to enjoy life with simple pleasures is endless and diverse, so will not propose my list to you. I only attempted to explain the concept; believe me it works!

Priority; what matters most

It’s important to find time for yourself, for your family, for your friends. Keep in mind that your first priority is your loved ones, and not your work. I hope each of us will have a smile on our faces when we reminisce the old times, I hope that everyone finds living exciting and rewarding for all. It is my wish that we would all find the time to do the things that really matter most.

One of the keys to success and happiness is being true to the most important person in your life - YOU.

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