Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 5 July 2009





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Budgeting not taught at school

You guys, what do you do when you get pocket money from your parents? The answer is simple... spend... Yes, that’s what you do with money. But how many of you have the attitude that money is not only to spend but also to save? You’re the winner if you’re a type of a person who think that money is to save.God damn it! How difficult is it to do that?

I mean, saving money... You’re not alone. Every one, in everyday life faces that problem. How the hell can we suppress the desire of buying things that we do not have and which our friends enjoy to the maximum or what is exaggeratedly advertised on TV? It’s a difficult question to answer, yet can be answered. When you see others enjoy things which you do not have, say an ipod, a mobile phone, perhaps a laptop, Marc & Spencer shirts and expensive shoes etc.

If you gear for those things, what does it mean? It does mean that you need to lead a luxurious life. Your friends’ parents may be affordable to spend for the luxurious requirement of their children. Think of your parents! Are they rich enough to make you luxuriously comfortable? Or are they spending money on their children’s (basic) needs which do not require them to obtain a loan to fulfil?

You guys have to cut the coat according to the cloth. It is not at all advisable to spend more than your limits. On the other hand you’re still depending on your parents! Be satisfied with the amount of money you receive from your parents. Do not spend lavishly. Spend carefully.

No one is going to label you `a stingy bugger’.I will make you a suggestion. Just try it (and tell me how successful are you at it). Try to save even a small amount of money from which you get from your parents, relatives of any other way. You do not need to open a bank account with 10 bucks you have in your hands.

Get a till or a box, and collect some money that you can save after spending on essential things. Parents, out of love for you may give little more money than you require.Stop the habit of `finishing it all’ before you go home after school or tuition class.

And give up habits which are not healthy for your pocket as well as for your health! Such as eating chocolates, junk food, carbonated drinks, chewing gums on a regular basis (save the coins and notes you spend unnecessarily) when the till or the box is filled, you can open a bank account.

Are you a type of a person who discards your items when they’re broken. If they are amendable, why throw them? For example, if your shoe is broken, after using it for 3 to 4 months, if you are going to throw them away and buy new ones, you will have to spend some hundreds or may be thousands.

If you get it amended by a shoe repairer, (don’t be shy, haven’t you seen the heaps of shoes beside him?) You may spend 1/10th of the money needed for buying a new pair. If your shirts, skirts, blouses or trousers are torn, give it to your mom, she will stitch it and give you. If your watch is broken, stop the habit of going for a new one. Repair it. There’re plenty of places in the town to help you.

The interesting thing is that if you previously were used to buy new ones whenever the old ones were broken, (yet amendable) and now you got it repaired, explain your parents that you were able to save some money for them.

Try this also! Ask them the cost, if you were to buy new ones (which some how they had to give you, if you needed to by new ones) and tell them that you have already started saving the balance pocket money and stopped the habit of making shopkeepers richer. And tell about your till and box also. They will be surprised that this little lad/lass is a genius! (Notice that, they will start giving you little more than what they used to give you).


Do not expect your tills and boxes to be filled overnight and blame me for giving you worthless ideas.

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