One Country - One Nation
What a threat they posed to our
Words couldn't recount their sheer brutality
Inhumanity was the trend they did nurture,
And violence was the key-word in their culture
The first sod of the LTTE's grave was cut,
When, by force, the `Mavil Aru's sluice, they shut
Then they lost all their strongholds one by one,
To resurrect their "leader", now, there is none
The blood and sweat of our soldiers brave,
The true leadership, His Excellency, the President gave,
Thanks to the people's commitment and support
They can no longer indulge in their blood sport
What we've won with so much sacrifice of life,
Should pave the way for a future without strife
Many a lesson we've learnt from the 30-year conflict,
Let ethnic harmony flourish, if not we may again split
His Excellency, the President has but one cherished vision
"To make our native land 'One Country. One Nation'
Where traditions and cultures of all are respected,
And "freedom", in its pristine form could be expected
North or South, East or west, the land is ours,
It's time for "Nadarajah and Sriyalatha" to be lovers
As the true sons of our, soil, let's rebuild our nation,
And usher in a new era for the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean"!
- A.C. Sunil Ranaweera