SLI records excellent performance in 2010
Sri Lanka Insurance (SLI) recorded its highest profits before tax
amounting to Rs.15.1b and profit after tax of Rs.13.3b as at December
31, 2010.
SLI Chairman Gamini Senarath said that this is a glowing example of
an efficiently managed State owned organisation dispelling the myth that
the State cannot run profitable businesses.
SLI in 2010 reported a 24.6 percent growth in life insurance premium
increasing to Rs.6b from Rs. 4.8b in 2009 whilst general insurance
premium grew by 5.7 percent to Rs.9.2b. The combined Gross Written
Premium (GWP) grew by 12.5 percent.
General Insurance contributed 60.7 percent towards GWP whilst Life
Insurance contributed 39.3 percent. Rs.3.4b bonus was paid to life
policyholders, which is the highest in the history of the company and
the insurance industry in Sri Lanka.
"We made a strategic investment in November 2010 purchasing 100
percent share-holding of Shell Gas Terminal Lanka (Private) Limited and
51 percent of Shell Gas Lanka Limited, acquiring controlling interest.
They now operate as Litro Gas Terminal (Lanka) Limited and Litro Gas
Lanka Limited, engaged in importation, storage, filling and distribution
of LPG," said Senarath.
SLI was upgraded by Fitch Ratings Lanka on National long-term rating
and National Insurer Financial Strength to 'AA (lka) from AA- (lka)