Drive to popularise compost fertiliser
The Government is studying the feasibility of implementing a subsidy
scheme for compost fertiliser manufacture. A sum of Rs. 750 million had
been allocated for this year to popularise the use of compost fertiliser
for cultivation, Agriculture Minister Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena said.
He said the Government will provide assistance to popularise compost
fertiliser and chemical-free traditional pesticides.
A project has been set up at Pannala to teach farmers compost
fertiliser manufacturing methods. Training programs are also conducted
for farmers, he said.
Referring to the fertiliser subsidy scheme, the Minister said that a
50 kg bag of paddy fertiliser will be given to farmers for Rs. 350. He,
however denied the Opposition claim that the Government was planning to
do away with the fertiliser subsidy.
The Minister said the success of the paddy cultivation sector in the
country was mainly due to the farmer-friendly policies adopted by the
Although 40 percent of the last maha harvest was damaged by floods,
there are sufficient rice stocks at the Paddy Marketing Board.
The Yala harvest could also be reaped by the end of July, the
Minister said.