Child soldiers plight worsens
In Sierra Leone, Liberia, Congo, Sudan, Afghanistan and Burma,
children are being used in wars.
There are an estimated three hundred thousand child soldiers around
the world, and every year these numbers are increasing. Since 1998 there
have been armed conflicts involving child soldiers in at least 36
countries. But the traumatic scars left on children are just one of a
vast aftermath of post-war problems: refugees, food shortages and
mourning for lost relatives.
Former child soldiers may, at best, have their needs forgotten and at
worst be blamed by their communities for what happened.I cannot even
begin to imagine how bad it must be to go through what these children
have been through; being stolen from their homes, injured, orphaned,
sexually abused and exploited, and seeing so much violence and death
around them at a young age.
It must be completely traumatising, and have a severe and lasting
impact on their future and development if they survive.
For children from poor surroundings and with disadvantages that have
had a choice whether to become a child soldier or not, it must be such a
confusing choice to make.
- North West Evening Mail