Man - the worst enemy of man
Man was provided with Planet Earth and all his basic needs by God.
However, man was not satisfied with what he had. He needed more and more
comforts. So, God gave him a friendly environment to fulfil his desires
and needs. And what did man do?
did not stop at discovering new things and inventing new things from the
environment. He started to act in a manner that harmed the natural
Man started to kill animals for his food,cut down trees for his
comfort and pollute the environment to fulfil his desires. He is now
polluting the land, water and air too. He has ultimately forgotten that
the Earth does not belong only to him but also all other organisms .
Today many of man's inventions are harming the environment.
Industrial machinery used in modern factories and also refrigerators
,televisions and various other electrical appliances release harmful
gases into the atmosphere. These gases destroy the ozone layer adding to
global warming.
The felling of trees too at an unprecedented levels around the world
to meet the needs of man disturb the eco- balance causing severe
climatic changes.
The industrial waste and chemicals released into the environment and
water bodies are harmful to man as well as other lifeforms living in the
water. Oil spills too destroy aquatic life. The habitat of man and
animal is destroyed by none other than man himself. So, it is evident
that man is the worst enemy of man.
F. Afra Amjad, Grade 7, St. Clare's College, Wellawatte.
Happiness is ...
Happiness is playing with friends
Eating ice-cream on a hot day
Happiness is going to the beach
Making sand castles,playing in mud
And splashing in big waves
And collecting shells
Eating chicken,egg,ham and chocolate
Drinking apple juice,lemonade and sherry soda
Happiness is getting presents, going to parties
Dressing up with fine gowns and make-up
Pretending you are a princess with a velvet robe
Happiness is being with my mother and father
Going out to dinner, eating fried fish and noodles
Happiness is flowers and trees,birds and bees,fish and food
Happiness is chains, rings,bangles and bracelets
Happiness is going fishing
And knowing that you are loves
It's holidays and riding ponies
Happiness is picnic lunches in the field
And breakfast at McDonalds
It's sleeping late and playing with water
Happiness is bathing the dog
And taking it for a stroll in the park
Happiness is boat riding in a lagoon,lake or river
It's a new born baby
Cute and chubby,pink and sweet
Happiness is nature
Cats,dogs, trees and plants
All are part of the natural world
Happiness is baby animals
Squirrels,ponies,puppies,lambs,chicks and kittens
Rabbits make me happy because they are
Cute,fluffy and sweet
Cheetah cubs make me happy because of their
Bright spotty fur and soft velvet noses
This is happiness,yes oh yes,
This is happiness indeed , yes,oh yes!
Naomi De Soysa, Grade 6L, Ladies College , Colombo.
A trip I enjoyed
went on a trip to Kandy with my school friends recently. There were
forty of us including my class teacher, Miss Farwin Jamaldeen. We hired
a bus and travelled about 25 miles to the Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage.
We sang songs and even danced in the bus till we reached our destination
at 10.30 in the morning.
The Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage was very big and there were lots of
elephants. We saw the elephants having a bath in the river nearby.Some
baby elephants were playing in the water and they were cute. From the
orphanage we went to see the Peradeniya Botanical Gardens. We had lunch
at about 1.00 p.m. listening to music on our pocket radios. After that
we walked around in the garden to see the many beautiful flowers,plants
and shady trees. We sat under a huge shady tree and laughed and talked
for a while. We saw colourful butterflies and birds too. We took many
photographs in the garden.
At the end of the trip we thanked Miss Farwin for organising such a
wonderful trip . I enjoyed the trip very much.
Fathima Athika Fairrooze, Grade 8 D, Muslim Ladies' College,
Who are friends?
"A friend in need is a friend in deed", it is often said but who
really are our friends?
We can define friends as people who are very close to us, next to our
parents.There are friends who help us go on the correct path and those
who lead us in the wrong path.
of the present day teenagers do not have a proper understanding of who
friends are. They seem to lack the ability to select their friends;know
the good from the bad.
Therefore, many go on the wrong path by associating those who have a
bad influence on their lives.
There are friends who destroy our minds,time and money and then
desert us .
We should be careful of the people we associate as friends. We must
always choose good friends.However, we must not depend on our friends
for everything in life even though friends are generally there to help
us. Sometimes even a good friend can hinder our progress in life. many
little children have come to a lot of harm by keeping company with the
wrong type of friends. They have been exposed to wrong ideas and
opinions as well as wrong behaviour by such friends.
We must keep in mind that the opinion of some friends could damage
our lives. So, let us choose our friends carefully and avoid keeping
company with the kind of friends who could have a bad influence on our
Umanda Hansamali, Grade 9E, Pushpadana Girls' College, Kandy.
Something I like to collect
Most human beings will have something they like to collect. I like to
collect books because they are very useful to man. Even if what people
say and do change, what is written in the books stay the same.Books are
like our best friends.
Collecting books is not only useful to me but also to others because
anyone could borrow and read them. Sharing books with others is a good
deed.Even those who cannot afford to buy books can gain knowledge by
reading the books in my collection. They are a source of information and
Reading books can be a great leisure activity. We can widen our
knowledge by reading books. Money invested in books can never be counted
as a loss.
Fathima Zainab Fazeer, Zahira College, Gampola.
The plant kingdom
Plants were the first living things to appear on Earth, long before
animal life existed.Plant life started from single celled plants such as
algae.Plants can survive in all kinds of environments such as in water,
dry or wet lands, rocky terrain and deserts too.
require sunlight, air and water to survive. One of the main differences
between animals and plants is that plants can make their own food
whereas animals cannot do so;they have to find their food from other
Plants are living things which manufacture their own food using light
,water, carbon dioxide from the air,nutrients and minerals (which the
plant collects from the soil through its roots) and chlorophyll, a green
pigment found in the leaves of plants
Over 375,000 species of plants exist around the world with more being
discovered each year.They grow in various types of environments. They
produce fruits and flowers with seeds that help them reproduce and
continue its kind. New plants grow from seeds and this shows that plants
have life. Plants are classified as annuals, biennials and perennials
according to their life span. Annuals are plants that live for an year.
These plants grow, flower and disperse their seeds and die in a
single season.Biennials live for two years while perennials live for
longer periods.
Plants are useful to man and animal. In fact, the survival depends on
them .
H.M.Kithmini Minama, Grade 9-D, Girls’ College, Dankotuwa.
My pet
My pet is a dog. Its name is Broona. Its colour is brown and white.
It likes to eat bones. Its favourite drink is milk. It has a long
tail. It plays with me. It sleeps under my bed It barks at night.
I love my pet.
S.Hirushi Amaya, Grade 3, St Lawrence's Convent, Colombo.