Observer - Caltex Rugby Contests:
Navy’s Dev Anand takes lead

RUGBY: Navy SC full back Dev Anand took the lead from Kandy SC’s
fly-half Fazil Marija at the end of count number 7 of the Sunday
Observer-Caltex Most Popular Rugby Player and the Most Popular Rugby
Team Competition 2011. Navy’s popular fullback Anand polled in 16,374
votes 1,305 more votes than Marija (15,069) to secure the number one
With the first three players who have represented the country topping
the 10,000 vote mark, the tussle between the Trio Dev Anand (16,374),
Marija (15,069) and Dushan Lewke (13,872), the competition is bound to
be a three-cornered battle.
In the team competition, too, Kandy SC is well ahead of its nearest
rival Navy SC who has polled in 12,811 to Kandy’s 16,374.