US House, Senate divided over debt ceiling issue
The US Congress has split along party lines as it seeks a solution to
an ongoing deadlock over raising the nation’s debt limit.
The House of Representatives passed a Republican bill proposed by
Speaker John Boehner, but that was quickly killed by the Democratic-led
Senate. Senate leader Harry Reid is now seeking a vote on a rival plan
he proposed.
The US risks defaulting on its financial obligations if a federal
budget deal is not struck by August 2. The Boehner plan includes some
$900 billion of spending cuts and would raise the debt ceiling by a
similar amount.
However, it would require another vote during mid-2012 and includes
language in support of a so-called “balanced budget amendment” to the US
constitution - both rejected by the White House and the Senate
The House vote was delayed from Thursday after Boehner struggled to
win over a number of staunchly conservative Republicans, including newly
elected representatives who back the Tea Party. It’s odds-on the
President won’t have to veto the Republican plan, as the Tea Party seems
to have done the job for him”.
The plan eventually passed the House by 218-210, with 22 Republicans
and every Democrat voting against.
Before the vote, Boehner told Congressman the plan advanced the
“great cause” of a balanced budget amendment. Boehner appeared heated in
front of his colleagues in the House, slamming his fist on a podium on
Friday evening and calling for lawmakers to pass his proposal.
Boehner said Republicans had tried their “level best” to reach a
deal. “I stuck my neck out a mile to get an agreement with the President
of the United States,” Boehner said, referring to negotiations with
President Barack Obama that twice broke down.
“My colleagues, I can tell you I have worked with the President and
the administration since the beginning of this year to avoid being in
this spot,” he added.
“A lot of people in this town can never say yes,” Boehner said.
Shortly after the House passed its bill, the Democratic-led Senate voted
to reject the Boehner plan in a late-evening vote on Friday. Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid accused the Republicans of seeking to
filibuster, or delay, proceedings by forcing a vote on his rival plan to
achieve a 60-vote “super majority” before passing.
The US government will start running out of money to pay all its
bills unless a $14.3 trillion borrowing limit is increased by Tuesday.
Democrats say the Republican bill as passed would cause immeasurable
damage to the economy because it would force Congress to vote on another
extension of the debt ceiling early in 2012, a time when presidential
election campaigns will be in full swing.
The White House quickly responded to the passage of Boehner’s bill,
calling for a “compromise that avoids default and lays the basis for
balanced deficit reduction”. Earlier, the White House said Boehner was
taking a dangerous approach with his proposal.
“Amend the constitution or default is a highly dangerous game to
play,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said. Meanwhile, “Obama accused
House Republicans of pursuing a partisan bill that would force
Washington into another debt limit fight within months. “There are
plenty of ways out of this mess, but we are almost out of time,” Obama
said. “The time for putting party first is over,” he added. “The time
for compromise on behalf of the American people is now.”
Analysts predict a last-minute scramble for a compromise and
razor-edge votes in both chambers, with the high-stakes game of
legislative brinkmanship expected to continue all weekend. The President
backs a proposal by Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid, which
would cut $2.2 trillion from deficits and raise the debt ceiling by $2.7
trillion. Reid asked Republicans to suggest changes to his plan, saying
it is “likely our last chance to save this nation from default”.
The Boehner and Reid plans overlap in key ways, such as trimming
spending over 10 years and shunning President Obama’s call for tax
increases on the wealthy and corporations. Analysts have said
international markets would be shaken if the US defaults and runs out of
money to pay its bills.
Mass protests across Syria
Tens of thousands of Syrians have again turned out for Friday
protests against the rule of President Bashar al-Assad.
Troops fired live ammunition and tear gas at protesters, killing two
people and wounding dozens, activists said.
There have been reports of fighting in the eastern city of Deir
al-Zour between military intelligence agents and residents after five
protesters were killed overnight. Earlier, state media said a blast hit
an oil pipeline near the city of Homs. The attack was the second of its
kind this month. State news agency Sana called the explosion a terrorist
attack by a group of “saboteurs”