Inflation 5.5 percent in March
The year-on-year inflation as measured by the Colombo Consumers'
Price Index (CCPI) computed by the Department of Census and Statistics
increased to 5.5 percent as anticipated mainly due to the increase of
petroleum prices, electricity charges and bus fare.
However, the annual average inflation decreased marginally to 5.9
percent in March from 6.1 percent in February 2012, for the sixth
successive month. Meanwhile, the annual average core inflation
decelerated further for the sixth consecutive month to 6.5 percent in
March 2012, while core inflation measured on a year on year basis
increased marginally to 4.9 percent compared to 4.7 percent in the
previous month.
The general price level as indicated by the monthly index recorded an
increase of 2.2 percent in March 2012 over that of the previous month,
with the index increasing in absolute terms to 158.8 from 155.4.
The contribution to the monthly increase in the index came from price
increases in the non-food items (4.0 percent) mainly due to the
revisionist petroleum prices, bus fare and adjustments in charges on
electricity effected from mid-February. Prices in the food sub-category
increased marginally by 0.1 percent. Within the food sub-category the
prices of almost all major food items such as rice, vegetables green
chillies, most varieties of fresh fish, big onions, red onions,
potatoes, eggs and chicken declined due to improvements in supply while
those of fruits, sugar and dhal increased due to seasonal and other
factors.Prices in the sub-category of housing, water, electricity, gas
and other fuels increased by 4.3 percent due to the upward revision in
the price of kerosene and fuel adjustment charges on electricity while
prices in the transport sub-category increased by 9.6 percent due to the
price increase in petrol, diesel and bus fares.
Price increases were also registered in the sub-categories of
clothing and footwear (1.3 percent) furnishing, household equipment and
routine household maintenance (0.1 percent and miscellaneous goods and
services (0.1 percent). However, health, communication, recreation,
culture and education, sub-sectors remained unchanged during the month.