Lakshman Joseph de Saram and the music for Guy de Maupassant’s
Bel Ami
The cardinal pillars of film music scoring, is
the ability of the composer to illuminate a film with a set of
musical motifs, thereby transforming insights, perceptions and
perhaps, drawing out the defining character of the film. The highly
regarded music score for ‘Bel Ami,’ featuring an all-star Hollywood
cast, is an object lesson in understanding the intricacies of the
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The importance of Eco-criticism
[Part 2]
In my column appeared in April 7 edition, I
started discussing the nature poetry of the celebrated classical
Chinese poet Wang Wei as a way of indicating his uniqueness as a
poet and his relevance to the interests of modern eco-criticism. I
would like to continue with that discussion. Let us first consider a
few short and highly compact poems by him. The first is titled
?Magnolia Park?.
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Cultural Scene:
Loss of inheritance and cultural otherness
In this week’s column, I would like to deal with
the theme of loss of inheritance and cultural otherness as depicted
in the diasporic novel ‘To whom it may concern’ by Canadian poet and
fiction writer Priscila Uppal. Although the novel is about the
impeding foreclosing of Hardev Dange’s house, the novel codifies the
chequered nature of life in diaspora in general and in Canadian
diaspora in particular.
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