Olivia Newton-John still strong at 60
Olivia Newton John certainly lived up to expectations by giving the
near full house at the Musaeous College auditorium a night to remember
in Sri Lanka singing songs that still linger in our ears.
Newton-John |
Brothers |
There were the not so famous and famous songs that she sang non-stop
for ninety minutes with not a single boring moment. Setting the tone for
the evening's performance with their excellent harmonies were The De
Lanerolle Brothers of Sri Lanka origin giving the show the beginning
anyone would dream of, singing four songs, certainly in the same league
of the main act Olivia Newton-John. They surely did belong to the stage
and owned it singing Amarillo, Spanish Eyes, Love me with all of your
heart (which was my favourite) and another song.
Olivia Newton John was breathtaking and only had to carry from where
the De Lanerolle Brothers left as she took us through a musical journey
never to be forgotten. It was however evident that she was tired after
stellar performances in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore not
forgetting the night before in Sri Lanka as well! Newton-John brought
out the magic by singing songs from her old and new albums opening with
"Pearls on a chain".
At 60 she still looks good and sings so freely not to mention the
lovely seven- piece group that gives her the will to do what she wants
to modulating so well to her subtle changes. Cancer she said brought out
the will to continue singing and what she knows best so she stormed us
all with a dedication song "You never give up". It was so pleasing on
the ear and eye watching and listening to the introductions she made to
the songs some with a joke or two and what got the crowd going was when
she sang a few songs from "Country music and Grease".
Songs such as "Let me be there, If you love me let me know, Country
roads, a little more love, Jolene and physical were some of the songs
that the audience loved.
The icing on the cake was when she got into her leather jacket to
sing from Grease bringing in "The one that I want and ended with Summer
An encore was always coming and she obliged singing I "Honestly Love
You" a fitting end to what was a fabulous concert. It was no surprise
when the audience gave her a standing ovation at the very end.
One thought, that the concert could have begun a tad earlier though
as the majority of the audience was seated from 7p.m. and we had Olivia
enter only at 8.30p.m. but yet, she made up for all of that.
Newton-John certainly has not lost the charisma and voice and could
easily go on for many more years. I would sum up the evening up by
saying "Elegant, classy, graceful, entertaining and well-choreographed".