LankaClear signs contract with Just In Time Holdings
LankaClear Chairperson, Ms Priyantha
Liyanage exchanging the contract agreement with Just In Time
Holdings Head of Marketing, Kavinda Mahawedage. |
LankaClear (Private) Limited, jointly owned by the Central Bank and
Licensed Commercial Banks recently entered into a contract with Just In
Time Holdings, for the implementation of the Common Card And Payment
Switch (CCAPS), which will facilitate rapid economic activity through
faster payments and facilitate the integration of future financial
services. The Switch Application Software for this project would be
provided by Fidelity Information Systems (FIS) of USA and the hardware
would be supplied by IBM.
According to the road map of the National Payment Council (NPC) and
the decisions taken by the NPC, LankaClear has been asked to establish
the Common Card and Payment Switch (CCAPS) in Sri Lanka. The Monetary
Board of the Central Bank has approved the CCAPS as the National Payment