Velvit Thirumakan:
Passion play unravels Saiva Siddhantha philosophy
by Kalabhooshanam Chelvatamby Maniccavasagar

A scene from the play |
It was Martin Wickremasinghe who once said that the success of
political independence depends on the evolution of cultural independence
which alone can unite the whole multi-racial and multi-religious
population of Sri Lanka.
Prof. Rev. Fr. N. M. Saveri is a multi-faceted and multi-dimensional
personality who has promoted cultural values through his dramas for a
human and humane way of life in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and
multi-religious society.
The Thirumarai Kala Mandiram (Centre for Performing Arts) headed by
him is a cultural centre with a rich and rewarding tradition. The CPA
has produced a dazzling array of artistes, playwrights, producers and
A passion play entitled Velvit Thirumakan which was produced,
choreographed and directed by Prof. Saveri was staged at the Thirumarai
Kalamandram's open air theatre in Jaffna recently.
The passion play was performed on a stage with abalcony for Pilate.
In the play more than 200 actors, many musicians, dancing girls,
technicians and helpers participated giving the audience the feeling of
being in the city of Jerusalem.
The inclusion of two Brahmins in the team of actors and musicians was
a novelty.
In the Passion Play the Saiva Siddhanta philosophy has been brought
out unravelling the profound fount of wisdom, grade and love. Saiva
Siddhanta bases its philosophy on three eternal entities - Pati, Pasu,
Pasam (i.e) God, Soul and Maya.
The Pati, Pasu and Pasam have been manifested in the passion play
'Velvit Thirumagan' staged recently in Jaffna.