IESL launches Techno 2012
The Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) launched its flagship
event Techno 2012 national engineering and technology exhibition.
The exhibition will be held from October 12-14 at the BMICH for the
27th consecutive year.
Techno 2012 was inaugurated in 1985 with the objective of
transferring technology and achieving technological and professional
excellence in engineering and to pass them to industries in the country.
Each year the event introduced new technologies, products, skills and
best practices from the world, said IESL president Dr.Ananda Ranasinghe.
Techno 2012 is a platform to showcase and promote brand names,
products, services, skills and talents and therefore is the best window
of opportunity for new as well as seasoned entrepreneurs and
The event has national and global recognition and also recognised as
one of the best of its kind in the SAARC region, the organisers said.
There will be over 200 diversified, informative and state of the art
stalls at the exhibition. The ‘Engineering Clinic’ organised by the
civil engineering sectional committee, started at last year's exhibition
that addresses genuine engineering issues and will be held this year
Techno 2012 will also demonstrate new advanced engineering and
technological practices in mega development projects in Sri Lanka.
It provides opportunities for practising engineers to display and
describe their special projects to the public. Linking suppliers of
engineering products and services with buyers and facilitating mutual
awareness is another objective of the exhibition.
IESL is the apex engineering body in Sri Lanka, incorporated in 1906
with over 14,000 membership.