A discussion on Parvathi Solomons Arasanayagam’s
Narrative landscapes created from memories and reflections
Contrapuntal by its definition means ‘polyphony’
which denotes having many voices or tones. From a point of
musicology the word polyphony speaks of two or more melodies
independent of each other coexisting harmoniously in a single
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Toni Morrison and the African-American experience
In 1993 Toni Morrison was awarded the Nobel
Prize for Literature. She was the first African-American female
writer to win this coveted prize. In awarding the Nobel Prize to
Toni Morrison, the Committee referring to the author said that ‘who
in novels characterised by visionary force and poetic import gives
life to an essential aspect of American reality.’
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Cultural scene:
Revisiting Orientalism:
The Orient in the making
In this week’s column, we further examine how
this compartmentalisation of knowledge has been resourcefully dealt
with by Edward Said in Orientalism. Said cites the contemporary
illustration to show how the polarisation between the West and East
has been used in the area of diplomacy and policy making.
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