HDFC's integrated Annual Report
The Annual Report for 2011, was HDFC Bank's maiden effort towards an
Integrated Annual Report, incorporating a holistic view of economic,
environmental and societal impacts of its operation.
This publication also features international reporting standards of
the trendy - Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 framework - a first
time initiative for HDFC Bank's efforts to be more transparent with
HDFC Bank's AGM Finance and Planning, D. Vidana Pathirana, said that
HDFC Bank was the first Bank to publish an integrated publication. This
publication adhered to internationally accepted guidelines and
incorporates a GRI analysis included in each section, unlike the current
practice of containing a separate sustainability section integrated as a
stand-alone chapter.
Triple-Bottom-Line reporting is yet another global initiative
incorporated in the Report.
Triple-Bottom-Line definition of sustainability is a broader concept.
In addition to preservation of the environment and natural resources,
Triple-Bottom-Line reporting considers the economic and social context
of doing business and also encompasses the business systems, models and
behaviour necessary for long-term value creation.
Pathirana said that the market value of a company depends on two
tangibles - Financial Capital and Physical or Tangible Assets.
In addition to these measurable assets, intangible assets such as
reputation, brand, trust, credibility, integrity, intellectual capital,
customer loyalty, risk management, social and environmental
responsibility were aspects that are regarded as being equally important
as tangible assets.
"Sustainability reporting facilitates accountability to stakeholders
as a systematic practice.
By publishing a sustainability integrated annual report, HDFC imparts
more transparency to the public at large to properly assess the level of
overall competence of the organisation. Greater transparency would
improve HDFC Bank's compliance with its vision" a spokesman for HDFC
"On Sustainability Reporting, HDFC Bank has consecutively secured
ACCA's Sustainability Reporting Award over the past couple of years.
Nearly 12 percent of the total extent of nearly 250 page extent in
this publication has been dedicated to a comprehensive chapter on the
HDFC Bank's role towards economic, environmental and societal
Amidst this focus is HDFC Bank's maiden effort to also conform to
Carbon Footprint guidelines. With the infrastructure now set in place,
HDFC Bank is now full of promise as it's now poised towards delivering
an improved result-oriented performance during the coming years", a
spokesman for HDFC said.