Credit risk high at combanks -Rohit Bammi
KPMG India's Partner and Head of the Financial Risk Management (FRM)
practice, Rohit Bammi said that local banks have the opportunity to
enhance their risk management functions.
He was speaking at a forum organised by KPMG in Sri Lanka for Chief
Financial Officers and Chief Risk Officers of Banking Institutions,
Bammi discussed the increasing importance of banking sector risk
management functions in meeting emerging regulatory and compliance
requirements as well as in enhancing the Bank's competitive positioning
in the marketplace, providing for adequate liquidity and high quality
capital. Since Banks essentially hold public deposits and in many
instances have a capital structure that is significantly leveraged, it
is imperative that significant attention be devoted to managing credit
risk, operational risk and market risk exposures, as well as asset
liability mismatches, Bammi said.
According to Bammi, Commercial Banks have the largest exposure in
credit risk areas. Weak controls and unmonitored lending in several
global economies resulted in significant non performing loan portfolios
which was a key contributor to the global financial crisis.
The more stable banks which pulled through were those with stronger
risk management functions.
Having the right processes in place with adequate controls, risk
evaluation and monitoring can minimise non performing loan risk exposure
and robust stress testing can allow management to take remedial action
well in advance even where such instances are foreseen.
Director for Financial Risk Management at KPMG Kuntal Sur, said that
banks also have heavy dependence on information systems and technology
to operate their businesses and in the generation of management
information which is vital for decision-making. Systems and processes
are key considerations in operational risk areas. The third area for
consideration is market risk, often to do with economic circumstances
such as exchange rate volatility, interest rates movement, reputation
risks and related
market exposures.
"I believe most of the larger banks in Sri Lanka have risk management
functions in line with the Basel standardised framework and are moving
towards the requirements of the advanced approaches of Basel II and in
time, Basel III.