LB Finance Vehicle fiesta in five major cities
Motorists and vehicle lovers in five major cities of the island were
treated to a collection of the best vehicle deals in town as LB Finance
inaugurated its LB Vehicle Mart for the year 2012. The “Maha Riyapola”
concept was started by the financier in 2011 to create a space for the
exchange and purchase of used and brand new vehicles at prices and
rentals that were easy on the pocket of the average consumer.
“The Riyapola proved to be a resounding success”, said General
Manager of LB Finance, Ravi Yatawara. “It gives our customers as well as
the public a chance to fulfil their requirement for a vehicle at an easy
price, which is important in the context of the recent rise in price of
imported vehicles”. The vehicle mart is a massive fair housing brand new
as well as used light and heavy-duty vehicles; customers walking in can
get a vehicle on easy rentals or outright purchase. Customers’ existing
vehicles too can be exchanged for new vehicles with valuation done by a
team of professionals on the spot.
As the trusted financier to the Sri Lankan public, LB Finance upholds
a four- decade long tradition for superior service. The LB leasing and
hire purchase facilities are now synonymous with vehicle and equipment
leasing in the country, and are renowned for the their easy payment
schemes and lack of red tape. The Grand LB Vehicle Mart is yet another
instance where the financier reaches out with an easy and affordable way
to lease or purchase the vehicle of your choice.
The financier ended FY 2011/2012 with high results; exponential
growth was recorded in public deposits, asset base and profit after tax.
A solid lending portfolio was compounded by a fast growing base of
finance lease and hire purchase receivables. Fixed Deposits,
Microfinance, Gold Loans, Microfinance, Factoring, Margin Trading,
Inland Money Transfer and Islamic Financing comprise the rest of the
financial portfolio that has been the combination for success for LB