The kingdom of dreams
"As everyone knows, the ancients before Aristotle did not consider
the dream a product of the dreaming mind, but a divine inspiration, and
in ancient times the two antagonistic streams, which one finds
throughout in the estimates of dream life, were already noticeable.
They distinguished between true and valuable dreams, sent to the
dreamer to warn him or to foretell the future, and vain, fraudulent, and
empty dreams, the object of which was to misguide or lead him to
- Sigmund Freud, in The Interpretation of Dreams.
Though I may have lived in disparate worlds, different planes of
existence, and in various forms during the continuation of my being; I
have no conscious memory of any of it in this present life of mine, this
visitation to planet earth as a part of the human species.
Nevertheless, in this present incarnation, I have been to several
countries and lived in many of them - in some for months, and in others
for years.
Every one of these countries in which I had lived, or visited, has
its particular culture and customs; a singular beauty of the land that
is distinct from any other; food that is dissimilar and individual from
others; people who pride in their nation; people who value their values.
Even in this era of universality, a creative commonality in which
cultures and customs, food and food for thoughts, intermingle; these
differences abide and continue.
These dissimilarities, distinctions, divergence, and singularity,
will endure by achieving unity in diversity, by preserving its identity
in spite of the changes through which it passes. However, there is one
land which is different from all the others, which I have discovered to
my greatest delight and entertainment; and I love that land above all
the others. It is a land like none other, an aboding land, the land of
abodement, the abode of us all. It is the Kingdom of Dreams, the land
known as Sri Lanka.
Welcome to the Kingdom of Dreams where every man dreams of becoming
the King; and every woman, the Queen. In this land, each man sets down
his own law; and every man is a law unto himself. Here, in this serene
and serendipitous nation, in keeping with the maxim that dreams are a
necessity of life and for living, people are fed with and sustained on
the stuff of dreams, instead of food. Drunk on dreams mixed with stuff
and nonsense; fed on fodder; the people themselves become dreamers,
thinkers, and speculative philosophers - or as the feeders of fantasy
would call them, idiots.
For they do not know whether they are humans dreaming that they are
buffaloes, or buffaloes dreaming that they were human.
Either way, it makes no difference. This is the Kingdom of Dreams; in
which, men, women, and the third gender, becomes the plaything of their
memory, and lends credence, and attaches so much more importance to
dreams - illusion and imagination - than to waking events. In the
Kingdom of Dreams, people do not frame their life so that at some future
hour, fact and dreaming meet. Who wants facts - details, information,
truth, - when the fodder of fantasy and fairy tale is available to
consume, and nourish their dreams. Living in dreams of yesterday, the
people find themselves still dreaming of impossible future conquests.
Married or unmarried, young or old, poet or worker, we all are
dreamers, and will one time know, and feel, that our life is but a
As dreamers, we always reach for the stars, and if we fail to grab
it, we are happy with a handful of clouds. As a people living in the
Kingdom of Dreams; it is only anguish that brings us together.
At all other times, like grains of sand blown in any direction in
which the wind whirls, we live as a people apart, each unto his
interests and dreams; to be used, and thereafter, thrown as useless, by
the dream makers.
May be that we have all become dreamers because dreams are the only
thing that is truly ours. No government, no legislature, no authority on
earth, nor an individual howsoever powerful, can limit our dreams, rob
us of our dreams, whilst all else is possible of being defrauded, being
robed and plundered as is happening.
People are so busy dreaming their dream, fantasising about what they
could be or have a right to be, that they are all asleep at the switch,
to what is happening in the real world.
Consequently, we are all living in the age of human error where
reality is absent, and if present, is wrong; dreams are for real. The
dreamer can know no truth, not even about his dream, except by awaking
out of it.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to look at things the
way they are, and ask why; then dream of things that never were, and ask
why not.
All that we see or seem and experience, is not a dream. It is time to
wake up, awaken, and to take a look at the real world around you, and
what is happening there; then act as your conscience dictates. If your
moral sense, principles, and scruples are clear; then you will act
correctly. If they are venal, corrupt and corrupted, then you will act
Our peers and parents have, and society has, presented us a life of
lies - one that is full of corruption and fraud. We can choose to pursue
that, or follow our own dreams. Life is short; be a dreamer, but also be
a practical person.
Though all men dream, they dream not equally. All men whilst they are
awake are in one common world; but each of them, when he is asleep, is
in a world of his own. The danger lurks when one is in the world of
It is then that those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of
their mind, wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers
of the day are the dangerous men, for their dreams are to embezzle and
pilfer; rob and rook; and they act on their dreams with open eyes, to
make them possible.
Anatole France, a French poet, journalist and novelist, once said:
"to accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not
only plan, but also believe".
All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming, ties all mankind
together. Dream is a wish your heart makes; so follow your heart to make
your dreams come true.
In fact, all men of action are dreamers and similarly, any nation is
as great as its dreams. However, therein rests a truth: in dreams begin
If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to
accomplish your dreams. Yet, how many of us exhibit even a semblance of
responsibility in leading our lives.
We think nothing of not keeping to our word; we consciously lie, even
to our dear and near ones. We sham at work, and at the drop of a hat,
plan to defraud our employer. We are shamelessly dishonest, even to
The Kingdom of Dreams is full of Kings and Queens who think nothing
of blinding your eyes and stealing even your dreams.
In such a land, whither accountability; where from responsibility;
how will dreams be realised.
See you this day next week. Until then, keep thinking; keep laughing.
Life is mostly about these two activities.
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