Lucy, the world's smallest working dog
A Yorkshire Terrier is honoured for her work as a therapy dog.
There is hardly an area that the man's best friend, the ever faithful
canine has not gone to in order to serve man in some form or the other.
He would even go to the moon, as Laika did or to the battle front if it
served a purpose for his human friends. Apart from the usual heroic
stories connected with the dogs serving in the forces or the police,
many are the stories on record of dogs of various breeds stepping into
help the old,differently-abled and the sick.
don't just roam the streets, get pampered as pets and lead lives that
are not beneficial to anyone... There are many dogs who contribute
greatly to the welfare of people as working dogs and even become world
famous .

Find out how some dogs have served humans even at the cost of their
own lives... Today we feature a working dog who may not have heroic
stories attached to her name as many service dogs or even some pet dogs
do. But, she has served mankind in her own "little " way and is world
famous for her size, if not her mite.
Lucy, is a little Yorkshire terrier who is just 5.7inches high and
weighs only 2.5lb.Would you believe that she was named by the Guinness
Book of World Records last year as the world's smallest working dog?
The little terrier was handed the certificate in recognition of her
work as a therapy dog with the elderly and differanty-abled.
Lucy works in a programme called Leashes of Love and visits
hospitals, nursing homes and special schools in Smithville, New Jersey.
The title is awarded according to weight - meaning Lucy smashed the
previous record held by a six pound search and rescue dog in Japan.
Although the Guinness honour is a big deal for little Lucy, Montufar
can't help but worry her dog's fame came at the expense of Momo.
"I didn't want Lucy to unseat him because he's employed by the
Japanese police as a search-and-rescue dog," she told the
CourierPostOnline. "But she's a different kind of working dog."
Eventhough she weighs less then 12 sausages,Lucy who is four years
old now has a huge status among working dogs around the world. 'I said I
bet she's not the tiniest,but I'm sure she's the tiniest therapy dog,'
said owner Sally Leone Montufar, 56, on her putting forward Lucy for the
Despite Lucy being a record breaker, Sally remembered how she came
within a whisker of never owning the pipsqueak dog.
'A woman came into the pet boutique I work in with several dogs,
hoping someone would claim them before she had to take them to the
shelter.'I became fixed focused on the woman's Juicy Couture dog bag,
and the little nose poking out of it..
'The bag was very beautiful and out came this peanut.'She was so
pitiful and lethargic I couldn't leave her. 'As any mother would, I
vowed to help her. I wasn't going to turn my back. The others looked
pretty healthy, but she didn't.'
Some famous working dogs
Brit, a German Shepherd won many awards such as the Apprehension
Citation in 1997 from the Saddle River P.B.A., the Unit Citation in 1995
by the Waldwick Police Chief, the Certificate of Recognition in 1994 by
the Allendale and Waldwick P.B.A. for burglar apprehension, the
Exceptional Duty Award in 1998 by the Allendale and Waldwick P.B.A., and
the Support Services Award by the Ho-Ho-Kus P.B.A. On October 6, 1997.
"Brit" died and was given a full police funeral. On October 21, 1998,
Sgt. Litchult received a posthumous K-9 Service Award for K-9 "Brit"
from the American Police Hall of Fame & Museum in Miami, Florida.
*New Jersey Task Force One -This team received an award for their
search and rescue efforts during the WTC disaster. These animals
fearlessly searched through burned debris, ignoring burnt paws, cuts and
other obstacles to look for survivors and victims. For their unselfish
and courageous efforts, the team earned induction into the Animal Hall
of Fame.
The team consists of "Ana" - Atlas; "Senta" - Bacalaglu; "Claire"
"Blitz" Clemmo; "Chewbacca" Holmes; "Mikey" ; "Osa" LoPresti; "Nutmeg" ;
"Sarge" Pittore; "Argus" Rolando; "Quest" - Sullivan; "Piper" Whynman
Owners -- Sarah Atlas; Dan Bacalaglu; Lorrie Clemmo; Alice Holmes; Laura
Lopresti; Spring ; Pat Pittore; Bob Rolando; Penny Sullivan; Sonny
* Kanaka1970-Ontario Provincial Police Canine Team - Kanaka, a black
German Shepherd was responsible for numerous rescues and arrests as well
as the recovery of evidence, stolen property and money throughout years
of distinguished service.
In one incident, Kanaka tracked a lost hunter for 20 hours across
freezing swamps and an ice-covered lake, before finding the man. After
the ordeal, Kanaka required medical attention and was commended with
saving the hunter's life.
* Thunder -(1996)- Following a robbery suspect across a frozen river,
the ice gave way and Deputy Stanley Wontor slipped backwards under the
ice. He called out "pull" (a command Thunder, a police dog, had not been
trained to use) and Thunder pulled him out of the freezing waters to

* Lucky, a Belgian Malinois, was assigned to Fairchild in July 2003
and worked with nine handlers throughout his career. A display in honour
of Lucky, a 92nd Security Forces Squadron military working dog, is
present during the memorial service held at the Deel Community Center at
Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., on Jan 5, 2012.
died of cancer last September at age 10 after surviving five tours of
duty in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Lucky became well known in the media following his survival from two
previous bouts of cancer, and he also received a Hometown Heroes award
from the American Red Cross in 2010
Fact and pix: Internet. |