New HR and employment policy mooted
The Government will implement a Human Resource and Employment Policy
to strengthen the working force to suit global economic changes and
local needs, said Senior Minister (Human Resources) D.E.W. Gunasekara.
The drafted policy will be presented to the President after his arrival
from Brazil.
"The Cabinet of Ministers decided to formulate the taking into
account changes in the world and domestic economy," said Minister
A Steering Committee was set up chaired by Senior Minister Gunasekara
and secretaries of several line ministries, private sector employers and
university academics.
The Minister said that the Committee has considered alterations in
secondary and tertiary education and vocational training to create a
skilled labour force in the country to suit the global demand. We send a
large numebr of domestic aides, but in reality the greater demand is for
technically skilled labour," he said.
"Of the country's economy 62 percent depends on the informal economy
which means a major part of the population earn as self employers,
street vendors and such temporary jobs with a non stable income. Their
purchasing power is low.
They are a vulnerable group of the community and it is important to
financially stabilise them in strengthening the country's economy," he
As the Minister explained based on current statistics citizens who
become school dropouts before sitting the G.C.E. Ordinary Level exam are
those who enter the informal economies.
"The policy includes conditions to set up standard vocational
training for school drop-outs making them a part of the skilled labour
force," he added.