Philippines Consul helps repatriate fishermen
Four distressed Filipino fishermen were repatriated from Sri Lanka to
the Philippines with the help of the Philippines Hony Consul General in
Sri Lanka William Perera, the Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs
said yesterday.In a news release, the DFA said the four were scheduled
to arrive in Manila aboard a Thai Airways flight (TG-620).
”The fishermen left their vessel in Colombo after complaining of
maltreatment by their ship captain and his men,” the DFA said.Perera
identified the four as: Roger Rayos, Wilson Briones, Bryan Mapaye and
Marvin Latagan.
The DFA said the four complained of lack of sleep and fatigue from
long working hours, and of abuse and maltreatment by the ship captain
and his men. They also said they were given just two meals a day.The
four said they left the Philippines on May 4 and boarded the vessel
“Bintang Timur” in Phuket, Thailand the following day.
An investigation revealed that the four fishermen were employed by a
Malaysian-based company through its agent in Manila.Philippine
Ambassador to Bangladesh Bahnarim Guinomla, who is also accredited to
Sri Lanka, commended Perera for helping the distressed Filipino
- GMA News