SLAF Trade Training School opened:
'Heroes of the sky' join hands in multi-religious harmony
Whether you are a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu or a Muslim we all are
under the huge wings of the Sri Lanka Air Force. We all are bound to
protect the"blue sky" of mother Lanka.
We have many voices but we fly together for a better tomorrow. Sri
Lanka Air Force Trade Training School, Ekala can be considered the heart
of the technical education of the Sri Lanka Air Force due to the
immeasurable service that has been rendering to the nation.
Since this is the place where an ordinary Airman is moulded into a
skilful professional tradesman, the maintenance of discipline and
suitable academic environment have become decisive factors.
It is the duty of a religion to awaken and strengthen the soul of the
followers and guide him towards success in the correct path.
Approximately, 1,200 trainees of all four religions undergo training
at TTS Ekala throughout the year. Even though a separate time is not
allocated for religious activities in the daily routine of the military
personnel they were keen to practise religious rituals.
Whether you are a Buddhist who reads "Dhammapada", a Christian who
reads the holy Bible, a Hindu who reads "Bagawath Geetha," a Muslim who
reads the Holy Quran, all are under one roof of their "billet". All the
military personnel used to perform their religious rituals inside the
billet where they live. But it was questionable whether the due respect
of the respective religions is preserved in such a set up.
Considering the prevailing situation the Commanding Officer of Trade
Training School, Ekala, Group Captain L.D Gunawardana, with the
blessings of the Commander of the Air Force Air Marshal Harsha
Abeywickrama, decided that it was the need of the hour to have a proper
place for every devotee to practise their religious rituals.
The Commanding officer who has a profound understanding about the
role of a religion and who respects the equal rights of devotees of all
the religions, brought forth the idea of constructing a "Multi-Religious
Shrine" where the shrines of all four major religions: Buddhism,
Christianity, Hinduism and Islam are under one roof.
The project was to be completed within three months. Squadron Leader
M.R.M. Hamza as the Officer-in-Charge was to take over the challenge of
making the dream of "Multi Religious Shrine" a reality.
The immense support he was given by the Works Section of TTS Ekala is
note worthy.
Valuable donations of generous donors were a great helping hand in
making the project a success. Moreover the contributions made by the
donors from TTS Ekala accelerated the successful completion of the
The sacred place is located in the heart of the camp in a way that
everybody can access to the location easily. The awesome serenity of the
place enhances the beauty of the location.
Anybody who passes the premises is compelled to bow in respect.
The unique "Multi Religious Shrine" was declared opened on June 1,
with the blessing of all four religious leaders.
The opening ceremony was commenced with the patronage of the
Commanding Officer Group Captain L.D. Gunawardana. Many dignitaries
including donors who made their contribution graced the occasion. It was
organised in such a way giving due recognition for all religions.
The event started with a procession led by religious leaders of all
the four religions followed by personnel of respective religions with
their religious icons. After placing the religious icons on altars the
devotees performed the rituals and the Commanding Officer, the chief
guest, was there to join them along with his family members.
Those who wished and worked for the success of the project were there
to share the merit of the noble deed.
The sacred "Multi Religious Shrine" may serve the nation for many
more years to come in its way towards "Miracle of Asia".
- A. B.